Avery smirked and spit into her own hand and grabbed his, shaking it. "Its a deal. And you won't miss a payday, everyone gets his share...and if you do well, it adds to your amount. Hard work is rewarded on the Shadow Strike" She jumped down and looked around, thinking. "I guess as a doctor you will need an office to see your patients. This was the medical cabin when my father planned the ship out. There's a room in the back that should work for sleeping...it even has a window as well. I can have Ms. Scarlet and Lady Iris help you get this cabin into shape to see the crew when they are of need of ya" ***************** Scarlet was humming as she worked, making some kind of a stew for dinner. She walked over to the box she had rescued from the other ship and opened it, almost bursting with joy. "Look at all of this...things I haven't seen before...these will make wonderful dishes...and will be good for the crew..." She clapped her hands and stood up, starting to unpack the box when she happened to look over and saw her little guest was awake. "Good afternoon, little lady! I'm glad too see you were able to rest after the day you've had. Did you sleep well? Are you hungry? I have some snacks hidden away we can treat on while I make dinner for the crew." She smiled brightly at the girl, her red hair falling from its bun and Scarlet sighed. "Not again...bloody stuff won't behave"