[centre][b][Roxy] || [TCB][/b][/centre] Oh my, it's here again... The familiar girl stood in front of the line, the line that shouldn't actually exist. "Alright hold on, I will get this sorted..." the young woman made her way behind the counter and into one of the backrooms of the establishment, if Gladis, being the kind old woman, wasn't working then that girl would wait until the store closed, and that wouldn't do... she picked up a simple clear plastic bag, within it were many bread crusts, cut off from various pieces of bread for sandwiches and other such bread oriented foods. she walked over to the counter and plopped the bag down in front of the girl, "Now please move along...your keeping up the line" she waved her hand to show the girl what she was doing wrong. [center][b] ["Fish"] || [TCB] [/b][/center] The young girl watched every second of the waitress' actions until the wave of her hand, she nodded as thanks to the girl and picked up the bag with bot hands. she twirled around to see the small line that she had created. She tilted her had slightly once more and made one hand free to count out each head with her fingers, after she had them all layed out she looked back to Roxy, "Will do better next time", apparently she was keeping record. she took a single piece of crust out and motioned to place it in the hands of the person behind her "Mouse" she said pointing at the small animal the man had, she seemed to want to feed the rodent, or at least let him do so with her food. She waited until he accepted the bread and still didn't seem to move from her spot, it looked like the line wouldn't be moving until the little creature ate