As soon as the darkness spell faded she could finally see what was going on, she smirked as she finally moved out of Artos’s way and moved a safe distance away, her hands were numb again and she couldn’t play anything for a while until she had feeling in her hands once more, so she decided to do what she did previously and clutched her harp with both of her hands. Keeping herself guarded incase anyone came for her, well to be specific ‘charge’ at her. Her breath was getting heavier and she yawned lightly, hinting that she was getting tired from all the fighting, but knowingly won’t give up as a few more skeletons ran at her and lobbed their heads off with her once-again bad aiming. Upon spotting Ellis however she gasped in shock seeing his badly damaged body and just stood there not attacking, she was upset because she hated seeing her friends hurt. And that was when her struggle began, a skeleton actually pushed her down and got on top of her while she was thinking of Elis's welfare. As she was about to stab her with his sword she crawled backwards and he stabbed the gap in between her legs, this sliced her dress so it appeared to have a slit through the middle which revealed her delicate but heavily bruised legs from all the tripping she did earlier, obviously there was a squeal but she was glad she wasn't harmed, she was also glad she was wearing the shorts Sana gave her which she thought of was a good luck charm. As the skeleton raised his sword once more she crawled backwards furiously, standing up quicker than normal thanks to no more restrictions. gracefully prancing to get behind the skeleton she finally lobbed it’s head off in a confident manner. Because of this struggle she didn’t notice the finishing off of the wraith but she did know this, she was losing her consciousness and that was never good. She eventually dropped to her knees as she saw Sana run to Hugh, finally showing their feelings for each other. She smiled upon seeing them ‘The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return...’ was her last words before she finally lost her consciousness...