[hider=Lady Alycia Medved] [center][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/5b29/i/2014/145/5/e/redd_by_trixxx-d7jq263.jpg[/img] [i]“My names Alycia and my papa’s Captain Medved! He’s your boss…probl‘y!”[/i] [i] Only seven years old, Alycia is just over 3’6”, and has a very typical physique for a girl her age, overly lanky and with a large head upon slender shoulders. The first thing most notice about the child is her bright red hair, a line of bangs obscuring her forehead, and lightly feathered by a gentle hand. She has blue eyes to boast, contrasting against the fiery orange of her head, cool and crisp behind pink eyelids. Freckles dot her girlish cheeks, along the curve of her nose, and the corner of her eyes. Her mouth, which is often open, blabbering away at speech, is small with a flawed set of small teeth within it. So far, the top of her first adult tooth pokes through the bottom row of teeth, otherwise, she comes with the rest of her baby teeth. Alycia is very cute, and very accustom to acting cute to get what she wants. To many, she‘s a breath of fresh air, never seeming affected by the war surrounding them, and even on the worst of days, her chipper attitude continues. Usually, she‘s adorned in dresses, much akin to her sisters, but every so often she‘s allowed a pair of pants, the child finding mischief to tear out the knees, and cover herself in what everyone hopes is mud.[/i][/center] [indent]【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [indent][I]Lady Alycia Medved[/I][/indent] 【[U]Aliases[/U]】 [indent][I]The Officer’s Daughter, Lycia[/I][/indent] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [indent][I]Seven[/I][/indent] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [indent][I]Female[/I][/indent] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [indent][I]N/A, small child[/I][/indent] 【[U]Religion[/U]】 [indent][i]Monarchist[/i][/indent] 【[U]Family[/U]】 [indent][i]Father: Lord-Captain Nikolas Medved Mother: Lady Marcelle Medved (deceased) Sister: Lady Sara Medved Uncle: Lord Derick Medved of Tivembre And a handful of nameless cousins [/i][/indent] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [indent][i]Her families small lordship of Tivembre, which lies in the forests of northern Grosswik[/i][/indent] 【[U]Societal standing[/U]】 [indent][i]Nobility[/i][/indent] 【[U]Former employment[/U]】 [indent][i]N/A[/i][/indent] 【[U]Rank and role[/U]】 [indent][i]N/A[/i][/indent] 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [indent][i]The best word to describe Alycia is naïve. Her naivety allows for the child to remain so effortlessly joyful while the world around her goes to shit. Even in the worst of times, the long marches where the child grows so painfully bored of traveling, she is able to lighten both her own and others’ spirits with easy conversation, and charm. Her charm comes in the form of smiles and action, twisting her hands around, dancing from foot to foot, and this restless happiness makes it hard for anyone to deny her. Especially Nikolas, who feels an insane amount of guilt for having to raise his daughters in an enviroment more fit for pigs. Like many children her age, Alycia can grow quite temperamental. In such occasions, which are usually at the worst of times, the girl is not beyond stomping, pouting, screaming and crying. Such a fit has come from years of being spoiled. Wherever he can, Nikolas has given the girl what she wants, to help alleviate some of his guilt. And even the other men, many of which missing their own daughters at home, spoil the girl with gifts and treats, simply because her companies is entertaining. A natural parrot, Alycia copies others, out of curiosity more than mockery. She is bold and fearless when it comes to men, even the meanest mugs hardly give her pass. She likes to know stories, and she often asks with little fear of repercussion. Very few would correct the Captain‘s daughter, and even fewer would do harm to her, with the Captain, and countless others who see her more as a mascot than a nuisance at all. He would be a very unpopular man, the man who hurt Alycia, and with her sharp memory, he’d not make it very far afterwards. [/i][/indent] 【[U]History[/U]】 [indent][i]Much of Alycia‘s true story, she does not know. She does not know that she is born out of wedlock, she does not know that her Papa is not truly her father, she does not know any of the terrible things that could have happened, had Nikolas been a different man. So instead of a tragedy, a story of a bastard girl and her dead Mother, Alycia instead lives a much happier life, raised in war, but far happier than it might have been. The true story of Alycia‘s birth is known by none, except perhaps, her true father, if he even knows she exists. But Alycia knows only her ‘fake’ story, even if it is real to her. It’s a simple story, not easy to forget, and it only takes a few words to recite: Her mother went into labor. She died. Alycia lived. Despite that, Papa nor Sara blamed the girl for her mother‘s death, and so neither did Alycia, because she was too young to understand what had happened, and when she had raised fears that she was a murderer, Papa soothed them down as quickly as they rose. In her mind, she was the daughter of Nikolas and Marcelle Medved. There were rumors that she was not, but Alycia was too young to understand them. Nikolas was her Papa, and Marcelle was his wife, who else‘s child could she be? Her story is a parallel to Sara’s.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Dreams, short term goals, and fears.[/U]】 [indent][i]Her larger goals in life are yet undiscovered, but her fears, there are plenty. She fears the dark, storms, and getting lost. She fears large dogs, forest beasts, and monsters that hide in shadows. The child fears the imaginary dangers, but rarely strays from the real dangers that surround her. More than once, she‘d been found too close to trebuchet, playing along the arm which had every ability to suddenly swing forward, and send the girl fifty feet into the air, and then crashing into the ground. Soldier-life fascinated the girl, and she often prods too deep in her question asking, asking the curious, foolish things, children ask, to men who would rather not answer. If any dream, she has confessed a want to be like her father, not truly understanding the implications of such.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Skills[/U]】 [indent][i]Alycia‘s skill set is still acquiring, and she has many years to perfect what little skills she has. Though, one might be the ability to win over her betters with cute smiles and ploys. She‘s sharper than most think, and listens-… and more importantly, repeats, nearly everything she hears. As of now, she is learning to read and write, though a skill she takes real pride in is her ability to swim, or, uhm, at least not-drown.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Martial prowess[/U]】 [indent][i]Alycia is about as useless as they come. Though she‘s a little spitfire, sure to kick and fight anyone, she‘s also forty pounds soaking wet, and does as much damage as one might suspect. The worst she might inflict is a bruise, but otherwise, the child is harmless.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Weaponry[/U]】 [indent][i]Sticks and Stones.[/i][/indent][/indent] [/hider] [hider=Lord-Captain Nikolas Medved] [center][img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/3902/th/pre/f/2013/031/1/3/johannes_by_janaschi-d5td5pp.jpg[/img] [i]“She is my blood. I protect my blood.”[/i] [i]See above[/i][/center] [indent]【[U]Full Name[/U]】 [indent][I]Lord-Captain Nikolas Medved[/I][/indent] 【[U]Aliases[/U]】 [indent][I]Father, Papa, Nik[/I][/indent] 【[U]Age[/U]】 [indent][I]40[/I][/indent] 【[U]Sex[/U]】 [indent][I]Male[/I][/indent] 【[U]Sexuality[/U]】 [indent][I]Straight, but abstained since wife’s death.[/I][/indent] 【[U]Religion[/U]】 [indent][i]Monarchist[/i][/indent] 【[U]Family[/U]】 [indent][i]Wife: Lady Marcelle Medved (deceased) Daughters: Lady Sara Medved and Lady Alycia Medved Brother: Lord Derick Medved of Tivembre And a handful of nameless nieces and nephews [/i][/indent] 【[U]Birthplace[/U]】 [indent][i]His families small lordship of Tivembre, which lies in the forests of northern Grosswik[/i][/indent] 【[U]Societal standing[/U]】 [indent][i]Nobility, however much of his notability comes from his role as a Captain in the King’s Armies. [/i][/indent] 【[U]Former employment[/U]】 [indent][i]Nikolas has been an officer within various divisions of the King‘s Armies.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Rank and role[/U]】 [indent][i]Nikolas is a Captain within the Black Shields, and he commands soldiers in wartime objectives.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Personality[/U]】 [indent][i]He is a very calm, tranquil, but pragmatic man, well-liked and respected by many because, despite being a noble, he seems to care little for noble titles. He’s a good man, a fair man, though not without his flaws. Cross him, and Nikolas is prone to grow angry. The worst way to anger the man would involve his daughters, or insult upon his wife. His loyalty lies first with his blood, than to the crown. Nikolas is very opposite to his brother Derick, who enjoys the boons of nobility more than the Captain. Though Nikolas knows Alycia is not his, he refuses to acknowledge outside claims of his wife’s infidelity. Perhaps the man is truly in denial, or perhaps he is simply a forgiving man, and has learned to love the daughter of another. Either way, Nikolas is caring toward both his daughters, and expresses his extreme guilt in the way they must live, by giving them whatever they may want. His birthright and war have made Nikolas a very rich man, richer than many may assume, as he rarely spends his acquired wealth. To the outsider, Nikolas is a clean cut, rather lack-luster man, and even to those close to him, much of his life is painted in shades of grey. He‘s neither overly friendly, nor mean, and holds himself at esteem, without degrading those below him.[/i][/indent] 【[U]History[/U]】 [indent][i]See Sara’s History[/i][/indent] 【[U]Dreams, short term goals, and fears.[/U]】 [indent][i] To keep his daughters safe, and to one day become a Commander of the King‘s Armies. [/i][/indent] 【[U]Skills[/U]】 [indent][i]Nikolas is a tried officer, and knows many tactics of war. As for sparring, as a young man, the sport was far more exciting. Now, Nikolas prefers to watch others spar, though he continues his own training when there is time. Most of Nikolas’ skills deal with war, and so outside of this setting, on his brief run-ins with ’noble’ life, Nikolas is quiet and submissive. His skills as a rider are esteemed, and there are tails of when the man was younger, how he would lead cavalry into enemy lines, and always break them. As well, he used to compete in jousting competitions, and even went to unseat the standing champion.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Martial prowess[/U]】 [indent][i]Nikolas knows traditional swordsmanship, which begins with fencing, but the man is most comfortable with a lance. When in battle, he remains on horseback, now equipped with a long sword, and has sense retired his charging days.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Combat style[/U]】 [indent][i]Nikolas’ skill is fairly chivalrous, trained as a boy to follow the code of chivalry. However, to slay a man on foot while you are on horseback is far from completely chivalrous, but war had its fatalities, and Nikolas counts the chivalrous man as one of them. However, he is not the man to stab a man in the back, nor set a village aflame in times of war. He fights for his life, and has survived because of that raw need for survival.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Weaponry[/U]】 [indent][i]Sword and Shield. Once upon a time, a Lance.[/i][/indent] 【[U]Armor[/U]】 [indent][i]He wears light chain mail, with a plate chest. Usually, he‘s dressed in a sharp, black officers uniform, but when it comes to battle, the man dons his plate. The last thing he needs is for a stray arrow to pierce his chest when it could be otherwise protected.[/i][/indent][/indent] [/hider]