Deila heard her name come from the alpha. "I must learn her title, now is not the time." she thought. Deila followed The alpha direction to the woman collapsed on the ground. Deila went and knelt down over this Ellyn, her eyes intently looking for wounds, blood, or bruising that would tell if an internal injury. For the time being Deila pulled out some herbs and put them in Ellyn's cheek. The spit would act as a drip and get the medicine to her slowly. Deila noticed the wounds on Ellyn's legs. She chewed up some of the same herb into a paste then placed the medicine on the bruises. She turned her gaze to the leader after her injured comrade was comfortable and gave a reassuring smile. She stayed kneeling next to Ellyn. Deila put her hand on her chest and said "Deila". Then pointed back at the leader.