Ok. That's kool. I was pretty much done with my sheet when I accidentally closed the window. I'll edit this post when I finished it again... And here it is! Faction Name: The Sluggers Universe: Sullivan’s Sluggers [url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1940696606/sullivans-sluggers-baseball-horror-graphic-novel]The Kickstarter.[/url] [url=http://comicbookrevolution.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1507:sullivan-s-sluggers-review&catid=75:independent7&Itemid=81]A review of the comic.[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/17f6ModB5cCxWCKqRux44PrKTAbgHnf1UCRrRIh9-2qU/edit]My own synopsis.[/url] Summary in a Sentence: Baseball players with military weapons Description: The Sluggers was a baseball team that fell on rough time and resorted to playing minor league games where ever they can. While on the road they are invited to play in a small backwater town, only to be ambushed by horrific and nightmarish creatures at the diamond after the game. They escape the town but later return with military weapons and munitions to retake the town. (The biggest item they have is a single tank.) Technology Level: Modern military Magical or other Supernatural Powers: None Other: They have a tendency to be immature and reckless, enjoying causing trouble. Important People: +Name: Sullivan Clayton +Role: Their coach/leader +Description: Sullivan is a large and unkempt man with various tattoos and scars. Like the rest of the team he wears his white and orange baseball uniform under his armor. +Brief Bio: Sullivan was once a very popular professional baseball player before he hit a rough patch and fell into a rut and formed his own team. He lead The Sluggers into the town and then back out of it, returning to help them retake the town. (He actually dies in the graphic novel but I’d like to keep him alive if you would have it.) Hex Location: 6,7 Terrain Type: Grassland Important Terrain Features:The center of the hex is a baseball diamond, the location where they regrouped after fighting off the beasts. To the North and East it is surrounded by a corn field. To the South is the highway that once stretched across a grassy field. To the West was at one point the town, though only a single two story building and part of the street made it in. Important Structures: The building to the West was a small corner store with an apartment above it. The only thing left edible in the store is what was stored in cans. Other: