James nearly stopped dead at the sight of her! Was this the sleeping princess beyond the thorns, so eager to meet her knight that she woke early to bid him welcome?! He was far more used to the painted and powdered ladies of the Season in London's salons and parlors, and so the blinding obviousness of her natural beauty shone through all the more. A gentleman who was as honest with himself as he might be, he knew it well that this wasn't love. No, this was attraction. And, God's Breath, what an attraction it was. Shaking himself from his startled hesitation, he fell back on what he knew best: humor. "Late?" he chuckled warmly. "Why, no! Tis early! I thought I would beat the sun at his own game and wake him up instead! And no worries for poor Ninny, here. He's already thrown a shoe to keep me from riding him any further. We seem to have lost our way, miss. On my own land, no less, which must make me something of a ninny myself. Thankfully we have found you! Although I must express my surprise. My uncle's solicitor made no mention of renting the cottage, didn't even think it was habitable. Did you know my uncle well?" James thought of his mount's care before his own as he tied the reins to a nearby tree stump upon the green, allowing Ninny a fair reach for grazing. The saddle and blanket he removed to make Ninny more comfortable. "Oh, and might you have a curry comb or something I might rub Ninny down with? I'd like as not for him to suffer too unduly in the night." Turning back about with a twinkle in his eye, James' light humor faded to frowning concern as he espied the bandages upon the woman's leg. Small splatters of red could be seen despite the dimness of the light and the shadows cast by the moon. "And I see Ninny's not the only one to have gained a bit of a limp, now. Are you alright, miss?"