Before I start let me clarify a few things, first the Nation RP I'm speaking about is on another forum board, the Bethsoft forums [url][/url] They strictly regulate RPs to either Fallout or Elder Scroll RPs, well because unlike the Roleplayer Guild the Bethsoft forums is a Gaming Forum and Roleplays are mainly for the minority who would like to role play their favorite series. Second because the Bethsoft forums are a Gaming Forum, the Roleplays there tend to cater to more casuals even though there are great writers there, many just want an easy experience without bogging things down with stats or numbers. A lot of our problems stem from predictability, often RPers tend to play BoS, NCR or Enclave time and time again, or similar iterations of them. For those who don't know who they are, I'll keep this short and simple. Fallout takes place in a retro future where the Cold War never ended, that is until 2277 when the world was covered in nuclear fire. The NCR are a expansionist democratic government. The Brotherhood of Steel BoS are a quasi-religious technological organization that was founded by remnants of the Pre-War military who horde technology to prevent it's misuse, because of this they have butted heads with other factions and have made powerful enemies and few allies. And the Enclave are a Shadow Government who attempted genocide twice only to be thwarted, they are a collection of the greatest minds who have been beaten like a dead horse in the series. Yet as RPs go alternative history takes precedence over lore. These are just a few examples there have been numerous iterations of various Nations based off these groups. The other problem we face is Trade, Trade, Trade. And no mention of War. War has been mostly avoided in the recent reincarnations of the Nation Roleplays. Mainly because we're afraid to step out of our comfort zones and there's just no reward for it. Our Nation Roleplays are Community GMed, as we're more a tight nit group. We've been RPing together for a few years at least some longer than that, all in different types of Roleplays. I had some thoughts about just breaking the mold to what we're used to, one opinion was to simply change it into a GMed RP, where more power would be assigned to the GM. Which maybe would allow the GM to have more of a say as to which Nations are submitted. And maybe would help with increasing War. I also thought about a short stat ruleset for Wars, which could make them less intimidating. But still I ask if there's any suggestions the Roleplayers Guild can offer. A way to make Nation RPs more interesting again for us.