Oleg confirmed McNeil’s operation when he rallied, “Good to know. Let’s head out.” One of the pilots furthest from the hangar asked, “What’s our nearest location for our guys out there?” Oleg took a look through the radar map and answered, “Looks like Braniewo is the next area. Let’s hope we’re fast enough.” As the search began the units would find themselves attempting to catch up with the Sol Thero units for a good majority of the day. | When Edward sat down he listened to what the Lord had to offer. Upon immediate evaluation it seemed things were going his way for the moment. "Your recognition is much appreciated. I hadn’t anticipated being forced to participate so soon. But at the very least we have maintained our number of Gundam pilots.” On the last note he noticed he would be able to offer something. “Ah secrets is it? Unfortunately I have only been a lowly General for the past four years so I cannot offer war changing information.” He reminded himself of his days as Colonel when he explained, “I believe both of us can agree based on what little we have seen of the former President that Hermine Falson was almost as much of an idealistic detractor as the Earth Sphere’s Founding Lady. Me and several other Generals had the same feeling Lord Lindemann. Not only for her, but we came to realize this of the Falson Doctrine when placed in practice.” He stood when he began to give emphasis to the current situation, “The Falsons were weaklings. Oh they could rally for a cause but they did not have the means or ambition to see the proper methods taken to discard conflict among even their own allies. Strong leadership is the only answer to quelling personal ambitions while those same ambitions are what drive us to battle to begin with. The Earth is a sizable prize to claim even in our age, but finding the proper pillars of labor to maintain one’s own reign over it is the most vital decision. Filling the vacuum left by the leaders of weak however, that is what separates the short-sighted from the great.” He looked out the window as he concluded, “If played correctly, this could be an advantage well worth investing. But of course the end of the war is our foremost concern. I promise to do everything within what resources I am given to end it.” It was early in the morning while Naina was preparing to search through her files. Before she could begin she heard her communicator signaling from her breast pocket. She saw Devine’s name and knew it was time for a report. She opened the device asking, “Has the confiscation on General Ulbricht been finished?” Devine’s voice answered, “The items have been taken. I can confirm that there is one item he was more lenient surrendering however. From what was taken I have seen that he did not wish to part with a small piece of paper with a few holes. There must have been some importance behind it.” Before Naina thought to ask her next question she remembered something of the Lindemann Assassination file Mercurio had searched through yesterday. For anyone the square of letters and numbers seemed nonsense but from the paper’s description she had a brief moment of wonder. “Devine, could you please submit a copy of the piece?” A few seconds passed before a filed showed up on Naina’s computer with his confirmation, “It has now been submitted.” She sat down while reminding, “Keep me updated with the status of the executive branch. I have to find out more about this.” “Of course.” The signal vanished while Devine signed off. Naina saw the copy arrive on her screen and noticed the Earth Sphere insignia among the square holes. She reached for the Lindemann file and slipped out the square to check the characters selected. Naina thought to herself. “He might be on to something…” By the time the checking was done she found the two rows of character spelling two different things. The top one read EXECLIN06 while the bottom one read GRAFIN. “This must be something for the Executive Office.” Naina realized. Naina entered Malcolm’s newly acquired office requesting, “Mr. President. I may have some information in regards to the Lindemann case.” Malcolm was naturally curious when he asked, “Further? Do you have anything in speculation?” “I will have to find out.” He sighed before resigning himself to the request. He showed signs of hoping to break away from work for a while when he agreed, “Very well. See what you can find.” As soon as Naina entered the username and password into the system she didn’t find anything out of place other than a single video file. Deciding now was the time to discover its contents she double clicked the icon. The video began with a middle-aged man in the same executive office as the Earth Sphere Building’s greeting “Good afternoon Mr. President.” A sizable man on the President’s seat welcomed back, “We are in a secure area Franz. We shall continue the discussion as it is.” “Of course Neil. I have received word from our superiors on the recent mission to Prussia from Major Klaus Ulbricht. Lady Lindemann has been assassinated as planned.” “Truly regrettable the greater good must play out this way. We will be able to draw a hand when the Coalition prepares its hands in the coming years. He will have the motivation and I will begin cleaning up my old mess.” “Assuming that Madame Falson and her followers will take the course of preparing for an invasion.” “Her resolve can only be counted second to Madame Yuy from a decade ago. And she has the old mobile suit blueprints to prepare for a war. She only needs to decide where to stage her operations and how long this action will take.” “It will still be a long time before the final plan can move forward into effect.” As Dana saw the video play from the screen she asked, “So it’s confirmed then. One of our old Presidents was also setting up the stage?” Naina agreed, “It would seem so. I couldn’t believe that Kecker was the only one behind the strings and this confirms it.” “Last I remember Goslin was supposed to still be alive right?” “He has been retired for the past 11 years in his hometown of Dover in England.” Dana sat up from her chair as she prepared for the announcement asking, “Guess Ulbricht was sitting on a sweet spot. We got him on our hit list?” Naina handed Dana a document with Malcolm’s signature answering, “Your next mission Captain.” The remaining members of the Rogue Wings had gathered before the hangar enterance to hear their new mission as Dana explained, “Here’s our requested mission from the President. We found out that former President Neil Goslin has some extra information to share with the Earth Sphere. As much as getting scooped into the next conflict is our big goal, we are not sweeping in to shoot this place up. Above everything else make sure we take back Goslin alive and in for questioning.” Cinzia was the first to point out the choice, “It’s great to be out on the field again Cap, but there’s a reason our squad out of everything is being picked right?” “We’ve received reports from General Neustadt that possible enemy forces made their way through Pasewalk.” Dana answered. Gawel was confused when he asked, “Possible enemy forces? What other forces try to make their way through one of our own territories by force?” “Ones that take out a patrol group without any discrimination. We received this new last night and it’s pretty safe to assume they might be headed towards some of our military installations near the capital. It’s probably not a Testudo but it’s going to be something dangerous and we’ll have to prepare for it. This will be a four hour round trip for us and we have to make it quick as we can. You guys ready to pull off another mission?” There was at least some preparation when the squadron answered, “Yes sir.” “We’ll be heading up to Dover to revitalize our numbers with some newbies. Be back here in the next half hour when the next carrier is ready to drop us off. Dismissed.”