[centre][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1b/99/47/1b9947c030569cd0019b406ed98d2e90.jpg[/img] ꝿ NAME: Rucks Kennithson ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Rucks likes to consider that he and Fate are drinking buddies, although it may very well be him doing all the drinking. ꝿ NEED: To amass a hoard of forbidden lore. ꝿ OBJECT: A Mystery Potion, picked up from slightly down the street. ꝿ DETAILS:Rucks hasn't much to say about himself, he frequents the taverns after his many prosperous adventures looking for old tomes and scrolls. He's an excessive drinker (To the point where no one's even sure if it's possible for him to get drunk) and is also highly knowledgeable due to his excessive research. Other than that he lives in some standard accommodation in a nearby town, but alot of the time he sort of just camps outside.[/centre]