Have an antagonist. [b]Name[/b]: Rick Narcik [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Appearance[/b]: A white male of rather skinny build, though with a certain deceptive amount of strength to it; he is 175cm tall, and possesses lank platinum blond hair and pale blue eyes that tend to stare through, rather than at people. His clothing typically consists of badly torn blue jeans, a black shirt under a worn red and white hoodie, black and white sneakers and dirt-covered white socks. [b]Personality[/b]: Rick is, if not the textbook definition of a misanthropic sociopath, then not far off from it. He hates associating with people, and will do whatever he can to get away from them as quickly as possible- or, if he can't get away from them, will do what he must to make them leave, which could be anything from cruel and spiteful insults to outright murder in severe situations. On the rare occasions that he must interact in a civil manner with somebody, he will tend to try and manipulate them into doing whatever trivial tasks he may be laden with, uncaring for the consequences to the targeted individual; he considers himself morally superior to everyone else, and thus not subject to "their" so-called systems of morality, and believes whole-heartedly that any form of capitulation toward another living being is the purest, most unadulterated form of weakness imaginable, such that he will almost never do anything for anyone other than himself if he can help it. [b]Biography[/b]: Some people are born into bad circumstances, and moulded by their surroundings into hardened, societally-unfit individuals. Others see the world in this light almost from the word "go", a category which Rick fits neatly into - the only child of an upper-middle class family, Rick never had any particular reason to consider the world in the manner he did, yet as young as seven he could be seen stealing from others without any particular consideration for how it would affect them. This backfired at last when he was put into a young offender's institute at eleven, and one of the older prisoners decided to make Rick his prison bitch, an arrangement which went on for about a month before said prisoner was found in his cell, his body separated into several pieces and hideously mutilated, with no hard evidence as to who might have done it. Naturally, Rick was left alone for the remaining three years of his sentence; some two months after he was let out, the mother and father of the aforementioned prisoner was found to have been raped, tortured, and murdered by what turned out to be a gang of drug-addicted hobos, apparently paid by a heavily disguised teen with money stolen from the credit cards of the two victims. No evidence directly pointed to Rick, and he was never officially charged with any such crime. Supplemented in his teens by an education in computing and sociology, leading to his learning to code a great variety of malware and other programs and become a rather skilled manipulator of people so as to take advantage of both code- and person-derived exploits, this trend of overreaction to even minor offenses continued into his early twenties, when a very close call made him realise how likely he was to be arrested again for what he saw as otherwise perfectly reasonable acts. With that in mind, he subtly altered his behaviour to try and avoid such issues, though he continued to steal from a great number of people for a living, both online and offline, largely because he could, supplementing any downfalls in income by writing and publishing online short novels under the name of Invidira, mostly of a highly gruesome content, and a few of which happened to become minor cult pieces. That said, other than the crimes he commited, he considers his life prior to entering the Cradle boring and unfulfilling, with nothing and nobody worth recalling, and believes that the prospect of becoming powerful beyond his wildest dreams the perfect opportunity: to never have to rely on anyone or anything else, ever again. [b]Skills[/b]: [i]Writing[/i] - Rick possesses very good spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and can be a surprisingly creative person, though it happens to be the case that most of what he writes about is on the borderline of what most would consider "too edgy", frequently dealing with death and destruction when not obviously focusing on other topics that he deems notable. [i]Criminal skills[/i] - Unsurprisingly, Rick is the sort of hardened criminal who would steal a person's wallet, then kill them for suggesting that he was at fault, so long as he could get away clean. He thus possesses a fair number of skills relating to his criminal activities, ranging from the physical and mundane such as pickpocketing and weaponplay, to digital activities like coding viruses, trojans and other malware, and even to somewhat surprising traits such as inherent stealthiness, an eye for value, and a notable skill at social engineering. [b]Elemental Cores[/b]: Light, Dark [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]Regeneration (Light)[/i] - An automatic ability that quickly heals any damage and debuffs dealt to Rick, so long as he has the energy to sustain the effect. It is also possible to deal enough damage to overwhelm the healing effect, and therefore kill Rick if massive amounts of damage are dealt to him before it can be healed off. [i]Degradation (Dark)[/i] - Through contact or by firing a small, concentrated bolt of energy at a target, Rick can inflict a curse that drains the target's mana over time, and slightly inhibits their ability to utilise their magic until the curse either fades naturally by running out of energy, or is removed by an appropriate magical ability. [i]Illumination (Light)[/i] - General Light magic manipulation as vaporising bolts, beams, barriers, and/or AoE blasts emitted from Rick himself. Does well against energy-based opponents such as elementals and other spirits. [i]Obfuscation (Dark)[/i] - General Dark magic manipulation as disintegrating bolt, beams, barriers, and/or AoE blasts emitted from Rick himself. Does well against physical opponents such as humans and golems. [i]Torment (Light/Dark)[/i] - A combination of Light and Dark magic which dispels the magic and magical effects of others where possible; this can be mixed into other abilities possessed by Rick or another target to increase their resistance to magical disruption and/or allow them to cut through magical defenses more easily, increasing the energy cost of the altered effect, or it can be used in its raw form in a similar manner to Illumination or Obfuscation, though with the benefit of being more effective at both their effects simultaneously at the cost of being more energy-intensive than just adding it to either of them. [b]Familiars[/b]: None. [b]Possessions[/b]: None.