[hr][center][color=red][b]Deimos[/b][/color] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/82270-r-a-t-s-rapid-assault-tactical-squad-1-slots-open/char#post-2782897]link[/url] Energy 10/10 [b][color=00ff00]15[/color] / [color=00ccff]1[/color] / [color=ff0000]8[/color][/b][/center] Deimos loved the little gadgets she got from working here. They where nice to play with. The only problem being, they seemed to burn out quickly. However, gizmos aside, she turned to look at the people she was facing, and their setup, before nodding. She knew exactly what she was going to do, and it wasn't exactly what one of the others was crowing about. Deimos moved quickly over to where the roof access door was located, and gave it a yank, to pull it off it's hinges, before turning with her new-found weapon and launching it stageward. Her target was not either of the women, but instead the speaker stacks that they had set up. If she could take them out, then the gitaur would be limited in it's effectiveness. Probably. [hr]