[b]"tha' 't would be of great assistance."[/b] Daniel agreed, never before having had his own room. Often it was a simple hammock in the back of the Orlap deck. His medical supplies would be tucked under the hammock as well, he was lucky if he had a crate or two for his patient to lay on. [b]"I'll go below decks to fech me supplies from th' corner I sto'ed 'em away in. Thank ye Cap'n."[/b] He finished, managing a respectful half-bow. On both the ships he had been on prior such formalities were enforced. Daniel moved towards the door to open it for her, both an act of habit with her being a woman as well as a respectful act for the captain of the ship. ~~~ Amelia smiled at the vibrant woman. [color=c4df9b][b]"Maybe if you braid it..."[/b][/color] She suggested meekly, in the soft tone of speech that seemed to be unique to her. Amelia pulled her legs close to her, similar to how a mermaid would sit. [b][color=c4df9b]"Would you like some help?"[/color][/b] she offered. She felt free to come creeping out of her shell here. This little area with the cook seemed so warm and much safer than the ship she had come from. Amelia was thankful that she had not been on that vessel long, that she had a hope for finding her family in port.