Hiresh nodded, "That makes sense, but you guys have a [i]lot[/i] to learn there too. Earth bending takes a lot longer, but really it's just pushing around rocks. It's more mental than anything else. In Zaofu, you should see some of the softies... Some of them live so freakin' pampered that they don't shift a chunk of earth until they're like fifteen or sixteen. It's sad, and they don't even seem to care. I remember learning about Kuvira in school, and I was no history buff, but they talked about her mastery over bending... How far it got her. And while I don't think she was a good person, I think there's a lot we could learn from her, y'know? That's the kind of strength I want," He said ambitiously, realizing that he was kind of going out on a tangent. "I'm nowhere near a master yet, but to achieve that takes a lot more than being a good bender... Got a long way to go, but I'll get there. If you're ever in Zaofu, ask for the Sudhirs - I keep in touch, I'm sure my family would be happy to have visitors. Not a lot of people go to Zaofu anymore, even though they encourage tourism nowadays. It's a once in a lifetime trip, I promise you that." ----- Within minutes, Siku felt the temperature of the water leveling out and heating back up - which was good, as warming an entire bath took a bit of concentration and only lasted a little bit. Thankfully, Asha had managed to get the fire going outside and it began to warm up properly. The girl sunk even more deeply into it, until the water was just below her nose, the current around her gently swirling as she idly twirled her hand. Something in the back of her mind tugged at her... Was she forgetting something? No, probably not. It must not be that impo- CLOTHES. Her eyes widened in fear and embarrassment as she realized what she had forgotten and the kind of situation she was in now. Her face turned a hot shade of red as she sunk all the way to the bottom of the small pool and remained there, almost pouting, for as long as she could hold her breath. She sighed and began to wash... Time to face the music. Katsu was going to pay if he said a single word. As she stepped from the water, the girl swept her hands downward, clearing most of the water from her skin. She then put her hair up in one towel, as bending the water from one's hair was far less effective at maintaining a clean and proper look unless it was an emergency (ie. sewer water), and wrapped the other around her entire midsection. Didn't the air nomads use longer towels at all..? Ugh, this was a nightmare. The girl leaned out of the door, poking her head out just a little bit. Down the hall, she could hear Asha and Hiresh talking. Just when she was about to call out to her younger friend, she saw what was lying on the floor and was probably felt more relief wash over her in that instant than she ever had before. Swiping the [URL=http://orig04.deviantart.net/fa33/f/2013/014/5/4/explorer_by_alchemaniac-d5rgsvq.jpg]clothes[/URL] (no vambraces or hip guards), she shut the door and put them on, removing the towel from her head before stepping out of the bathroom and simply disposing of the slightly tattered, disgusting outfit she was supposed to wear to a nice, friendly dinner. The true surprise came when she noticed there was no sign of Katsu... "Thank you, Asha... So much," She said sincerely, obviously meant more for remembering the clothing than anything else. "Now, where'd that ass run off to now?" ----- Hideki nodded in understanding, letting Katsu get all of his thoughts out before making a clear and measured response. "I'm not here to take you back, Katsu," He started, "I'm here to let you go. The White Lotus was institutionalized for the best of intentions, but it's been that way for too long now. It was great for the time it lasted, but everything changes and I know the organization can live on as it used to. They pushed you because for the past century every Avatar has needed to learn their crafts quickly and then pick up on the finer details later. Not since Avatar Roku has an Avatar had the time or ability to learn the elements one by one. I know you were already starting to bend earth before you left and I don't doubt you've evaded finding a master since then... As you were wholly uninterested in learning anything from anybody except yourself," The Grand Lotus gave his charge a cheeky smirk. "... Katsu, the White Lotus you know, and the real White Lotus are two different things now. The men who came for you today, apparently only a few of them were mine. I apologize... Deeply, for my oversight. I don't know how we were infiltrated, but I suppose I have placed too much trust in the rest of the administration. Unofficially, as of today, the White Lotus will no longer be. I've already placed my resignation and I'll no longer be the Grand Lotus by tomorrow. Of course, they'll want to keep careful eyes on me, so I have to be gone by tonight." The firebender paused and let out a slow, pained breath, "I'm sorry Katsu, but... You will too. And I really hate to say this, but your friends in there are in danger if they stick around Republic City for more than a couple of weeks as well. You'll be walking on eggshells while these people, whoever they are, are looking for you. The ones who defended you in the attack tonight are going to be witnesses - witnesses who actually know what happened in that restaurant. They'll need to gather their things and leave too, save for Hiresh. He'll be staying. I have some contacts on the force and I'm sure they'll actually want his help..." "This isn't a suggestion. I know I'm not the boss of you and I know you don't want to hear it, so I'm not going to tell you which path to take. Even if the world doesn't need you to be an Avatar now, it needs you to exist and survive in case it does... Mankind cannot maintain this balance without you, Katsu. This peace... It could last days or centuries - but it will never exist infinitely. That is why we need you. It isn't a burden you've asked for, but it's the one you bear." Hideki's gaze was truly apologetic; he knew how difficult it must be for Katsu to handle a lifestyle he never chose. But that didn't mean he could abandon it, "In the end, it's up to you, but staying and fighting just... isn't going to work. I don't know how far up the chain this thing goes and I don't know how powerful they are. I think today, they relied on the element of surprise. I know people at the Air Temples, if you'd like to progress your training. If you'd rather just leave and move on, that is entirely your choice too. But do not abandon the people who helped you survive tonight - promise me that. Those men would have easily overpowered the few loyal members of the White Lotus had it not been for Hiresh and Asha. They would have given chase had Siku not been right behind you. Of this, I'm sure." Now that he was finished with the long-winded, sincerely apologetic explanation, Yakedo gave Katsu the chance to say anything he wanted to before they were once again the presence of others.