Avery walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. "Please, Daniel...no need for such formal actions. I am human as much as you are...well, kind of. We are equal here...I just keep the ship going is all" She walked out the door and whistled for one of the cabin boys to fetch Scarlet and Iris for her. Bane was watching from the side and he walked up to the doctor and said "Glad to see your getting on...how is she? Will she be alright?" ****************************************** Scarlet smiled and stood, her hands already working on the braid. "Good thinking, love...if you want to help me cut up some veggies for the stew that would be most helpful. YOu can stand on that crate there. The counters in here are a little taller then normal, the cook before me was a very tall man" She went back to unpacking the box when she asked "So what is your name? I'm Scarlet Jones..."