Jackie immediately turned away from Alina, entirely ignoring whether or not she was about to strike back and instead hopped into the air - catching the still-wrapped sandwich between her eager jaws and landing silently a few meters further. Her movements were almost cat-like to the eye, however the constant thumping of her tail against the broken tarmac and pavement beneath her feet showing off her excitement for the mouth-watering snack did very little to keep that elegant aura she'd just shown off. The snow-haired swords-woman watched unamused, the situation having turned goofy so quickly that she was left looking like the foolish one. Once again, a deflating sigh escaped her lips and she left her blade to slip away into the nothingness that was the air around her - dissolving from her fingers and rendering her weapon-less once more. A newcomer's arrival, Elijah's prattling and Jackie's over the top antics were all far too much for her stressed mind to take in at once. Opting to remove herself from the equation, she quickly made herself scarce - not willing to let herself be brought to a stop once again and effectively disappeared behind a corner.