Daniel regarded the quartermaster with a stern look, their relationship not starting out the smoothest. [b]"She'll be alright."[/b] he said, turning to watch the quartermaster watch her. [b]"She needs t' take it easy fer a while. That wound on 'er side will be 'er greatest challenge. 't was t' deepest an' longest. 't will make a pretty scar though, so long as she do'n't rip those stitches."[/b] He looked back to his new captain, watching her interact with the rest of the crew. She was kind, but commanded respect. [b]"I'll do th' best I can t' encourage 'er t' rest."[/b] Daniel added, a small olive branch for him to extend. ~~~ Amelia rose from the little spot that Scarlet had no doubtingly made for her to rest in. With quiet feet she headed for the counters, they were rather tall. She was average height for a girl, on the cusp of her coming out age too. [b][color=c4df9b]"My name is Amelia Gastrell."[/color][/b] she said before realizing that she likely shouldn't have given her last name. Her family clan was among more of the wealthy folk in Britain, the very low end of the upper class. She had been warned constantly by her father from a young age that others may try to take advantage of her because of her name. She flushed in embarrassment of her mistake, keeping her head turned down and allowing her long hair to act as a curtain. At least Amelia knew how to cut vegetables in an efficient manor now, she had been getting used to the knives the other cook used. The carats were tough to cut through but she was well into working away at her first carrot.