Bane sighed, looking tired suddenly. "I guess its the best I can could have been a lot worse..." He rubbed his eyes and said "I'm sorry for before, I get very protective when it comes to the captain...I didn't to sound like a wolf back there." using wolf to compare would seem a little off for a pirate to use, but he looked at the doctor and held out his hand. "I never did introduce myself. Bane Clawson..." Scarlet smiled and nodded, putting things away from her crate. Then she paused and said "Gastrell..." Then she turned and stared at the girl, then a smile spread on her face. "Oh my goodness! Your duke's youngest daughter aren't you! Wait a moment" She went to a trunk on the far side of the kitchen and started digging thru it. "I know its here somewhere...just a moment...AH!" She pulled out a sealed letter and opened the wax, reading thru the letter then said "I thought so!" She walked over and knelt in front of the girl. "Its kind of a long story, but to make it short I have a girl friend who married a footman of big time family in London, any way I write her a lot and she keeps me updated on big news in the city. Anyway she sent me a newspaper clipping of a kidnapping and a wanted ad. Your father has been looking all over the place for you" She handed the girl the letter and in it was the clipping of the raid and of a young girl going missing. Another clipping was her father asking for aid to locate her daughter. Scarlet smiled and said "If you like, we can talk to the captain and see where we make port again, maybe we can get you back to your family. What do you think?"