[center]~|Day 1, 18:10 GST|~[/center] [center]Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex[/center] Alat watched the return of Shiri and Xid. Worse for wear it appeared. The Trandoshian was going to be a problem but the apprentice. If Alat could have smiled through his mask he would have had a vicious grin on his face. It was so sad to see so many Sith in one place and not be able to hunt but it would have to do. “Time to become a student again it would seem. Scanning the room he took in the others who were awake now. Alat was perched on one of the bunks. His legs crossed as though for meditation. He rarely used the technique anymore as he had no need to rein in emotions although it paid to keep others off his back when he needed to think. Could one more time really hurt? Yes. Best to leave the past in the past. After all it wasn’t like he’d faced down a Darth and needed to analyse for technique. Alat rubbed his temples with his palms slowly. It was time to gather allies. He needed to time get everything in order and do his research but it was best to start the process now. No telling how long it would take. Alat looked up and spotted Tolun. “Ah, another similar mind”