Bane smiled weakly and said "Please, call me Bane. We don't go by titles here...captain's orders..." He rolled his neck again and muttered "I just wish she would listen to her own orders once in a while..." he sighed and said "If you need anything in supplies come find me. If we have it on board I can find it, but if not we will make a list and pick them up next time we are in port, alright?" He turned and walked away, rubbing his neck. A voice next to the doctor said "Poor thing barely slept while the captain was makes him nervous her being gone. Understandable since they are basically family" A tall very tanned woman was leaning against the wall, cleaning a long throwing knife. She had bright eyes and a well toned figure. She was wearing bright colors, her dark hair in many little braids. She looked up and said "Iris, at your service, doc" *************** Scarlet smiled brightly and said "its settled then. After dinner we will speak to the captain and see what can be done. I promise. Somehow we will get you home"