[url=http://imgur.com/1JyvRWP][img]http://i.imgur.com/1JyvRWP.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Demigoddess, Ravenna[/b] A secretive, mysterious figure of powerful draconic powers. She gathers powers from dragons of many different species, and can crush Heroes with ease, since although she's still a kind of low level demi goddess, she's a demigoddess, not a "Hero". She focuses her mind on the beauty of nature, the mind altering peace of the Stars and the Moon. She reflects the peaceful nature of dragon kind as opposes to her husbandman, Sauranath. Ravenna is fully female, while dragons are male and female, dragon males are disproportionate to females, 65/35, nowhere near as bad as some fictional disproportions, but Ravenna touched Sauranath's heart the most. . . she is the second oldest of all dragons other than Sauranath's most ancient dragon, [b]Kahnamn[/b]. Ravenna took time to form since Sauranath was thinking of love and romance, not just raising a warrior. In a sense, Sauranath pulled from the Primordial nothingness that came before, and something odd occurred, she came forth in Sauranath's eyes as someone much more worthy than he. Ravenna is a reflective figure, her mind is always on things that make the problems of life seem like nothing is there at all to stand in her way. She's far less prideful than other dragons.