Hugh felt their hands drop, as the situation changed with the bard being in trouble. He snatched up his hammer and walked over, not certain what to do. He wondered if he could use his paladin healing powers and looked at his hands for a moment. They were dirty, cracked, blistered, and calloused from the fight. Before he could try it out, the shaman came over and performed some odd healing spells that appeared to work, making his powers unneeded. He lowered himself to one knee, next to Sana. Her skin was torn and she was covered in scratches. She was bleeding from her wrists and ankles, and the sight made him somber. He focused on the wounds and without thinking laid both his hands on her body. Both hands began to glow as he swept his healing powers over her body. He didn't hold her as strongly as he had just a little bit ago, guiding his hands gently across her body. The wounds began to disappear, as fresh pink skin took its place. The blood was still dried on her body, reminding him of another moment they had shared. "There. It should be better." He said, as he brought a hand to her face and placed it on her cheek. He finally stood up as Ellis passed him the silver dagger, and eventually a blue jewel. His reaction to Ellis's teasing was a simple grunt and rolling his eyes. He gave Ellis one of his 'seriously?' looks as Ellis walked about his business. But it didn't matter to him. The teasing would never matter again. The passion they both appeared to hold for each other was too strong to be held back by embarrassment, if there even was any feelings of embarrassment. Hugh felt pride. She had claimed him and he had claimed her. This was the reason he had given up being a paladin. He chose happiness over power.