‘But, but… Artos is more important’ Ellyn smiled softly at Sana as she said this before the marksman placed stuff in her hands, these things were very important for bard-like folk like her, a silver dagger, a song book and one of the most beautifulest circlets she has ever seen ‘oh wow...’ Ellyn smiled to herself as she kept examining it. It was simple yet the magenta jewel which decorated the centre intrigued her, placing it on her forehead softly she giggled. Noting how comfortable it felt despite it being silver. Ellyn tried to get up slowly once more, despite the pain in her head (which was almost gone) she felt she could walk (even though she actually couldn’t) and then looked at her dagger as she struggled to find a place to put it. She admired this in beauty as she did so but was embarrassed that she couldn’t find a place to ‘sheathe’ it, as the others called it. Eyeing on Artos and Sana for suggestions as she looked through the new songbook. This songbook looked very interesting, shocked that it had a very, VERY dangerous but useful song which was named ‘Bane of the Tenar'ri’ she gulped, could she really pull off a song like that?? it went up quite a few octives and it almost seemed opra-like ‘[i]this is such a weird song...[/i]’ she thought to herself, Ellyn has actually heard of this song a long time ago while she was getting bullied. The most common sentence that was associated with it was ‘[color=f7941d][i]it may make others go insane[/i][/color]’ but she knows that is just a rumor. Looking to Artos she chuckled, hoping he wouldn't look as worried about her anymore, ‘[i]I am still confused why he would worry about me...[/i]’ She thought in her head, not noticing she mimed this thought with her very own lips.