Varis followed behind Sana, being just a few feet away from her as she peeked down the hallway. He made sure to keep a rather large distance from the cocky marksman. She didn't exactly favor him -- but then again, [i]no one[/i] really did. Varis breathed out a rather elongated sigh before reaching into the pocket -- the pocket that he placed the gem the halfling had given to him. As his hand crept into his pocket, he could feel the gem in the palm of his hand. Varis grabbed the gem, taking it out to inspect it further, only to realize that... it wasn't a gem after all. It was some sort of jewelry that looked to be a sort of... emblem, which was strange, seeing as how Varis could have sworn it was a gem at first when he placed it in his pocket, but even he wasn't sure, seeing as how he absentmindedly placed it in his pocket when he received it from the halfling. He stared at the pin, its intricate design which held the black gem in the middle catching his eye. Slowly, Varis placed the pin inside of his pocket once more, looking over at the magus as he lifted up the elf. "Oh dear word," Varis muttered under his breath so only [u]he could hear his own words[/u]. "Now they're a thing?" He rolled his eyes before turning back to Sana, taking out his short sword as he began to walk down the hallway. "Let's go!" Varis shouted out. "Out this damning tomb we go!" "I have a mage to kill!"