[center]~|Day 3, 18:12 GST |~ ~|Onboard the Memory of Coruscant|~[/center] While Lyric was staring at Kennith as he turned to leave, his mind filled with a sudden sorrow and sense of departure. His mind immediately turned inward towards Master Tetsu and realizing fairly quickly why. She was going her own way as some investigators did, providing help but it would likely be the last time they would ever meet face to face. He felt guilty things had to end as they did, with hard and improper assumptions about each other, now he was unable to correct them for the future. He knew she wouldn’t merely exit the mission. It was too important, however she would do it her own way like many investigators. Some had much difficulty in being team players after all unless they had worked together many times before and had their own methods to do things. It was terrible to think ill upon such individuals because they might get more done in their own way rather, benefiting the mission much more than as a teamplayer. It was likely wrong of him to hope she would’ve been willing to take the lead where he couldn’t. In one ways than one, this parting was a blessing. His teeth bit farther into his ciggarra, the surface cracking and immediately turned his head to entering Jedi, a Herglic enter through the slightly snuggle doorway. His large frame bent down and shuffled into the meditation chamber making him the third visitor today this very busy day, Lyric noting the brief, harden look at his teeth still clutching the smoke in his teeth. He wasn’t bothered by look as the Jedi knight wasn’t the first healer to scowl his bad habits. Lyric returned the grin, taking out his ciggarra then removing the ashy tip. “We all show our compassion in different ways, so why should it bother that you show you care? And I was informed you were going to be apart of the team earlier into the construction so I had the ship modified for larger races, using yours as one of the models to base it off. We much rather you move quickly then fuss around the doors after all. Healers are always welcomed onboard due to the danger of the mission.” Any further conversation was suddenly interrupted when a familiar voice spoke out to him. Lyric’s head shifted around Melloch, spotting a very, very roguish Jedi Shadow filing in behind the large behemoth and into the room. The master’s eyes turned from the healer to Avix, absorbing the changes in his appearance since they last served together. He let a moment pass before replying, holding his ciggarra and gestured to it with a wave. “I told you before, the war is more likely to kill me than this thing. Trust me. If I want to die, I rather be happy when I do and quitting will not do that my friend.” He took a step toward Avix, ignoring the fact neither had bowed. They were likely he forgo any traditional greetings and preferred casual interaction. “Thank you for coming. So, where have you been hiding or do I want to know?” [center]~|Day 1, 18:12 GST|~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Main Prison Complex |~[/center] Xid’s mind was on escape when he heard Koren’s words, his eyes shifted upright to look the older Jedi straight on. He wasn’t like the man that told him to snap out of it and stop his line of thinking, feeling the guilt deepen because at how easily he lost control. There was pain and guilt on his face then leaned on Shiri, emotions pulled taunt for the first time in months, when heard Shiri’s logic peer through. They couldn’t make a mistake. “Alright.” He submitted to her better judgement. “We so much to do, we just need to survive until we can.” When they arrived at the bunks, Xid settled himself down as his body screamed against his movement. He made a slight hiss then leaned back to let the cold wall numb the hurt, his eyes spotted Shiri standing and staring at the doorway. She was nervous, he could easily tell, and return it made him unsettled. He looked expectedly at Koren to say something that might ease the worry while he spoke. “Koren, you were captured by Sith or troopers? I need to make an estimate of the current Sith and maybe get an idea how many we’re going to have to deal with on the ship. Then we can move from there.” He then added, letting Koren to thoughtfully answer, when he turned to Shiri again. “Shiri, what about you? Any Sith besides the one we met earlier?”