Serena continued watching the slaughter when Gwen snapped her out of it, pulling her back closer to the group. Everyone was agreeing that they needed to escape before they all met the same fate as the soldiers. Serena didn't want to fight anyone but she couldn't stand and watch any more soldiers die. Things were getting way out of hand. Who were these people? How could anyone do such a terrible thing? The whole thing was too much for Serena. An hour ago she had been an innocent farm girl, the closest thing to death she'd ever experienced was her pet goldfish dying. She'd spent an entire week locked in her room after that. Now, she didn't even know how to react. Serena's whole body was shaking and she had to lean on Gwen for support. [color=39b54a]"How..." [/color]She whispered. [color=39b54a]"How can we leave these people to die? There has to be a way we can save them without violence or running away."[/color] Despite the terrible event, Serena still felt fighting wasn't the answer. If heroes used violence to destroy villains, how could they ever expect things to get better?