[center][u][h1]Tatsumi Nakano[/h1][/u] [img]http://images.forwallpaper.com/files/images/d/d2a0/d2a0ac5a/1079432/anime-guy.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Magic:[/b] Tatsumi has a natural proficiency for Darkness magic, the dangerous nature of the skill perfectly fitting his reckless nature. Despite the risks he relies heavily upon his magic in combat. [b]Weapon:[/b] It is perhaps a stroke of irony, or typecasting, that the first weapon Tatsumi received upon arriving in the World of Wasted Dreams was a katana. He wields the sword as his primary weapon, favoring it greatly over other weapons. When forced to attack from a range Tatsumi does not rely upon conventional weaponry, instead turning to the somewhat dubious magic he wields. Besides his skill with the katana Tatsumi is a skilled martial artist, noted as a practitioner of Muay Thai and Kendo. [b]Bio:[/b] [i]I remember something... it feels so long ago. It's like another life...[/i] The [i]Shinai[/i] made a harsh [i]thunk[/i] as they repeatedly crashed against each other. [i]I can hear that sound so clearly, but everything else feels distant.[/i] He knew that the match that happened there was what mattered most to him. Everything else was pointless. [i]Yes... that's what matters. The opponent. The dojo. Nothing else. I remember... wanting a life like that. A life of adventure, where I fought seemingly insurmountable foes... but I won.[/i] The [i]thunks[/i] sped up, blows of increasing fury meeting each other. But one simple slip up, and it was over. [i]There was no protective gear, was there? Why?[/i] After that, everything was fuzzy. He remembered the blinding white lights of the hospital. Being propelled down the hallway on the gurney. The thumping, throbbing, all-consuming pain in his head. And the blood. The blood was everywhere. And then Tatsumi woke up. [i]That must've been a dream, nothing about that made sense...[/i] Tatsumi wasn't sure where he was, but it felt [i]right[/i]. He knew he belonged here. [b]Personality:[/b] Tatsumi is perhaps first noted by those he meets for his sheer amicability. He's very friendly and outgoing, and meets strangers with an unusual eagerness to make friends. He's a natural when it comes to getting along with people, and is bound to make new friends in every locale he visits. He has what could be defined as a 'hero complex', wishing to be seen by those around him as someone strong, someone to admire. He's a paragon of morality, a shameless goody-two-shoes. He's incredibly helpful, willing to lend a hand to those in need, notably a sucker for the 'damsel in distress' stereotype, oft going out of his way to save the girl. Tatsumi's negative features come in the form of his cocksureness. He's dangerously confident, reckless, and ridiculously cocky. Naturally, this combined with his wont to be a hero leads him to crave adventure and danger. Despite his somewhat 'goofy' attitude Tatsumi is surprisingly bright, perceptive, and calculating. When approaching an enemy clearly out of his league he always endeavors to have a plan to beat the insurmountable odds. Underneath Tatsumi's shell of cheerfulness even he seems to harbor some sadness: Perhaps some lingering resentment from his time in the world before that of Wasted Dreams... [/center]