The rest of the ride was rather boring. The young Brujah watched traffic lights pass by and got lost in thought. This new world she had fallen into had given her so much! She was stronger, faster and hard to kill. She really appreciated the second chance given to her by fate. Although her sire didn't show often and let her figure out everything for herself she knew he cared and would be there if she asked for help. But he was a man and men tended to violence so best stay away! Her eyes fell upon Alex and the slightest twitch went through her left cheek. He was a man too -or had been once. Close enough for her! And the reaction he'd shown as shed turned on the music had been very interesting. Prone to violence, dear male? They arrived and Nessa all but jumped out of the car as soon as it had been parked. Stowing her phone in one of the tight pockets of her hotpants she looked around with huge eyes. The scenery had changed during the carried but this was truly something she hadn't expected! In awe the words the house owner spoke didn't register in her head. So she blindly stretched out a hand, catching Alex's arm and holding onto it as they entered the house. Was this real? Her own apartment flashed in her minds eye. It was a single room she shared with two others and her safe place for the day was a hollow space between the walls, accessible only from a small hole behind her bed, forcing her to crawl under the damn thing every morning and back from under it every night. Luckily her roommates were gorgeous Rottweiler's who didn't question the behaviour of their owner. They kept her and her hiding place safe. She'd have to go back to feed them tomorrow. AS the group filed in the Brujah stayed close to Alex. She fehlt a strange attachment to him. Perhaps it was the fact that she had seen a glimpse of what he his behind that pretty face of his. There had been a glimpse in brutality in his eyes she could relate with. For her it was the same when she hunted down those bastards who dare raise a hand towards those they were supposed to protect. Just thinking about it made her clench her hands and let go of pretty boy, moving to stand behind him and the others. Eyeing the couch for a moment she looked around some more, once again caught by the sheer size of things, the modern equipment and cleanliness. She would never allow another vampire to enter her home! Not just because it was her safe escape, but also because her place was pathetic in comparison to this.