[quote=@xodus] Also Rtron and Griff, you both should pit your CS's in the character section. Oh and Grif do make the changes we talked about, thanks x) [/quote] Just did it, boss! Both things. [quote=@Ryver et Rhine] Silencer: Reri, Val, Maeve, Elliot, Bits Sniffer: Angel, Alistair Hunter: Cam, Mari, Sparks, Kiarra Hybrid: Renault :D Come on guys, show team hybrid and team sniffer some love!!! [/quote] I [b]may[/b] change Vail to a hybrid, now that you mention it. Because then I can make jokes about her [I]swinging in all directions[/I], if you catch my drift. :3 [quote=@Rtron] Maeve may hit on Elliot and every other female in the RP excluding Reri. [/quote] I think [i]not[/i] hitting on the (potentially) fifteen year old is a good call.