[center][U][B]Daichi Saduzow[/B] – [I]He of the Wings[/I][/U] [Url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYKUeZQbMF0]Theme: Heart of Courage[/url] [hider=Face][img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/aa08/f/2015/004/5/f/kublai_khan_studying_by_ryan_alexander_lee-d8cmiv8.jpg[/img] Hair is White[/hider] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/00aa/f/2012/131/e/c/dude_by_sexforfood-d4zbwbq.jpg[/img][/center] [hider=General Data][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Daichi Saduzow [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] He of the Wings [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Male [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 60 Years [I][U]Age Appearance:[/U][/I] 40 Years; Face looks rather young despite white hair [I][U]Sexuality:[/U][/I] Heterosexual [I][U]Birthplace:[/U][/I] [url=http://i.imgur.com/0pO7p7p.png]Central Desert of the Wind Country[/url] [B][U]Organisation:[/U][/B] N/A [B][U]Clan/Kekkei Genkai (or hiden):[/U][/B] Saduzow Clan [color=9e0b0f][Status: Mysteriously Destroyed][/color] /[i]Tamashi no Rikugun (The Army of Souls) aka The Fusiongun[/i] [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] ???? [U][I]Position:[/I][/U] 'Leader' of the Clan; Last of the Saduzows [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] Fuuton, Wind Release; Doton, Earth Release [I][U]Additional Appearance Details:[/U][/I] Irises are a very pale brown, which fade into white closer to the sclera. Measures at 183 centimetres and weighs at 80 kilograms. Has a flexible build, lightly muscled but by no means 'ripped'. His are small, tightly knit muscles which allow for a good level of power and speed, rather than large muscles which give brute strength but little speed and power. He is in peak physical condition despite his age, largely due to his nomadic existence. Has a few scars, most notably one running down from his right collarbone to his left hip. He has a smaller scar running down his left cheek and numerous marks and scars over his body, as any self-respecting veteran who has faced death should reasonably have. [hider=History][centre][i]The woman's radiant green eyes looked up upon the beast which towered high above her. It was a strange tiger of sorts, green in colour and with black stripes. And it was huge; glowing and with parts of it phasing in and out of existence. Needless to say, she had never seen such a monstrosity. And it had killed everyone. At the monster's feet was her child, his eyes glowing a complete green as he crawled through the blood and over the bodies of his people. How had this happened? The activation of the clan's kekkai genkai always resulted in a loss of control, but such a monstrosity was unheard of. And it did not harm the child at all. 'Dai...' she croaked, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to crawl towards him. Her lower body was all gone. The child stopped crawling and sat up, cocking his head at her and cooing slightly. He was nothing but a baby after all. The light of the late afternoon sun was obscured, and an ethereal paw descended upon the dying woman.[/i][/centre] Daichi does not know anything about the annihilation of his clan. He only knows that his aunt had come to visit his mother one day to find, much to her shock, the destroyed remnants of the clan's compound and the bloody remains of the Saduzow. She found Daichi lying, barely alive, beside the crushed corpse of his mother. Shaking, she only just about managed to pick up her nephew and quickly get away from the place. No one knows what happened, and the event came as a great shock to the Land of Wind and allied clans, for the Saduzow had been a mighty and vital weapon in the Wind Country's armoury. Their annihilation left the nation desperately vulnerable, which proved devastating for the Wind Country - but not completely debilitating - during the First Great Shinobi War. Daichi grew up with his aunt and her family in the Suna Clan compound, which would later grow to become Sunagakure. He became a very lonely child, this most likely being due to the constant bullying by his cousins which broke his faith in people before that had truly developed. Being from a different clan did not endear him to anyone else either. It was often the case that he would wonder alone into the desert or find a place far from others where he could sit and think on his own. One night, Daichi now six years old, lay in his makeshift bed in the attic, and he thought. He thought about his life and about his cousins, and he thought about the clan's makeshift academy, and of the future when he would surely become a most powerful ninja. He would show them all. His cousins. His now-widowed aunt who cared nothing for him. The senseis who mocked him. The students who looked down on him. This entire clan... And in his heart, the seeds of hatred were planted, and they would be nurtured over time. One day, perhaps a year after that fateful night, Daichi was to partake in a sparring session. The sensei did what he always did: paired Daichi with the only person he could truly call a friend. Mao Suna was short; she had large beautiful green eyes, light brown hair, and a lovely smile. And she understood Daichi. She was not like the others. Gritting his teeth, Daichi decided that if the sensei kept pairing him with Mao, he would never be able to display his prowess. Not that he was weaker than her, he just could never bring himself to seriously spar with her. She was his only friend, and he hung to that friendship like a fish to water. He had asked the sensei to pair him with someone else more times than he could count, but he never agreed. And so Daichi had decided that if he wanted to become strong he had to leave such petty things as friendship behind him. He would not hesitate this time. 'Okay,' the sensei's voice silenced all the chattering students and they all prepared themselves. 'Keep it clean,” he growled, allowing his gaze to pass over the sparring hall. 'Begin!' he shouted. The room crackled with life as the each student leapt upon their partner. Fire tore across the room, clones ran up and down as opponents hit each other, yelps and angry shouts rose up. But Daichi had his opponent down in seconds. He stood over the unconscious Mao and looked around himself imperiously. The sensei noticed after a while and worry crept into his eyes almost immediately. 'Idiot! Get away from her,' the sensei walked over and pointed Daichi towards the far wall. It was against the sparring rules to knock anybody out, a knock down was enough. The sensei generated some water and poured it over the unconscioues girl, but she did not move. Frowning, the sensei bent down and checked her pulse. His eyes widened in shock and he glanced with horror at Daichi. [i]She must be really hurt[/i], the boy thought to himself. Then he noticed that the sensei had tears welling up in his eyes. Daichi frowned, he knew that Mao was Onwa-sensei's daughter and all, but he did not have to weep over her being knocked unconscious... Shouting for everyone to stop, the sensei ran out of the hall with Mao in his arms. Frowning, Daichi decided to follow. They reached the infirmary, and the child was quickly pushed out of the way. He sat against a wall and watched quietly as nurses worried over the silent Mao. Finally, one of the nurses looked up and shook her head. 'I am sorry, but I can’t do anything. She is gone,' Onwa-sensei’s face fell and tears dribbled down his cheeks, and when he looked at Daichi, it was with such hostility and loathing that the child had to hug his knees and make himself as small as possible. 'And what about him, the one who...who [i]murdered[/i] her,' the words washed over Daichi and emptiness engulfed him. Realisation hit at last and a cold chill ran down his spine. Terror overwhelmed him and he found that he could not move. He wanted to cry out in fear and weep, but the tears never came, there was only a dull thudding emptiness in his chest, a hole Mao had filled with her beauty and smiles. She was gone. The emptiness took over, like a hungry predator that had been waiting to strike. All he thought of was Mao, and knowing she was dead pained him more than anything, more than the insults, hostility, more than being looked down on, more than being bullied, it pained him so much he could not breathe. He realised then, in a naive and childish sense, that he had loved Mao Onwa. As much as he hated her father, he had loved her - as a friend, as a girl. She had been his family, clan and home. She managed to worm her way into his heart, brighten his dark days, make him feel wanted, needed. Mao had given him purpose: to make her happy. It was so simple, but to Daichi it had been vast. That night, abandoned by everyone - even his aunt - Daichi left the compound and walked out into the desert. He walked for days without water or drink until he could walk no more, and one night he lay down on the sands and watched the star-filled desert skies. Death was coming for him, he could feel it. He welcomed its coming. One like him did not deserve life after all. The darkness sucked him in and he welcomed it with gratitude and happiness, as though it were an old friend that had been gone too long. This was probably the luckiest thing that had ever happened to him. But it was much too lucky, and he knew that something was going to happen soon, something that would halt death itself, such was the power of his terrible luck. In the darkness of the night and his coming doom, Daichi heard laughter. Malicious, demonic, devilish, satanic laughter; he thought he saw a green glow, a striped creature and vicious claws. And eyes. It reached for him and Daichi cried out in fear. Except it was not anything malicious or green. It was pure white light. Great winged beings were descending down upon him, their wings glowing white. Perhaps these were the gods of death themselves, it gladdened his heart that so many shinigami thought his soul worthy enough to come take it. Perhaps. Indeed, they were not shinigami at all, but Anjekus - creatures of legend long forgotten by the world. In their wisdom, they had also chosen to forget the world. For whatever reason, however, they came down upon Daichi in his moment of death and carried him off. He dwelled with them for twenty-three years, and those years were no less than the best of his sixty years of existence. He learned from them, they honoured him as one of their own and he felt that he had finally found a home. In his final years with them, the Anjekus prepared him for a ritual they called [i]The Ceremony of Flight[/i]. It was something of a coming off-age ritual for adolescent Anjekus. Daichi had no fear of these creatures who had taught him and strengthened him, and anything they ordered him to do, he obeyed. And so it was that Daichi received the wings he would become famed for during the First Great Shinobi War, which would begin in five years. Wings which were as black as the Anjekus' wings were white. Daichi left them then, setting out into the world to carve out a life and destiny for himself. In his thirty years of existence up until that point, Daichi had become a human Anjeki, creatures of might and power. Walking away from the mountain home of the Anjekus proved to be the beginning of thirty years of travel during which Daichi clashed with shinobi from all Five Great Shinobi Countries, mostly during the First Great Shinobi War which broke out when he was thirty five. During the fifteen years of war, he found himself on the receiving end of each of the Hidden Villages' wrath, and his travels took him from one encounter with shinobi to another. The war was a school, and in it he honed his abilities and gained a reputation which has followed him since. Since the war ended ten years ago, Daichi has continued his travels alone, having left two of his three sons - whom he had with an Anjekus - to their own lives. He is in search of their youngest brother, who was kidnapped during the war and has not been seen since.[/hider] [hider=Personality] For a man of sixty years with so much experience and power, Daichi has very little patience for humans. A fickle and pitiful race, he does not think them worth the earth they walk upon and destroy. From their greatest Kages and Daimyos to their most poverty-stricken peasants, humans are a taint on the face of the earth. While he does not necessarily believe in wiping them out - they are, after all, part of the natural order of things - he does not think much of them and their affairs. Or at least he likes to tell himself that, it makes him feel distant and superior. And mysterious, he likes mysterious. Old and experienced as he is, Daichi has not truly had any profound experiences with other humans ever since he left the mountain home of the Anjekus, other than killing more than he cares to remember over the years (well, he does not regard himself as a mere human, he is an Anjeki, clearly much greater and superior beings). Despite the meditation he often partook in with the Anjekus, and all the high and lofty ideals they tried to instill in him, Daichi is severely lacking in wisdom and any great degree of compassion for anything human. He does, however, hold a great respect for nature, and he views the tailed beasts as a part of said nature. Attempts by people to subjugate them and turn them into tools of war and destruction disgust him greatly, and he will often go out of his way to foil any schemes and plots he is aware of with regards to the beasts. When interacting with people, he comes across as rather cold and disinterested and it takes time for anyone to get through his facade of indifference - for it is a facade so convincing that he has grown to believe it is in fact real.[/hider][/hider] [hider=Equipment Data] [B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] [list] [*] 4 explosive tags. [*] 3 smoke bombs. [*] 2 kunai [*] 5 shuriken [*] 0 wire [/list] [B][U]Specialised Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] [B]Name of Item:[/B] Eye of the Saduzow [B]Description:[/B] The most prized possession Daichi has, an amulet with the Saduzow clan emblem on it - an eye with a green emerald for the iris and pupil. It hangs on a chain around Daichi's neck and never leaves his person at any point. Considered a sacred treasure of the Saduzow, it greatly increases the capabilities of the Tamashi no Rikugun when activated. Unfortunately, Daichi has no idea how to activate the Eye. ==================== [B]Name of Weapon:[/B] Sunaarashi [B]Description:[/B] A chakra blade in the form of a katana (see appearance in character image). While it can be infused with wind chakra flow using Wind Release: Vacuum Blade; the true power of this blade lies in its ability to simultaneously be infused with two chakra flows: Wind and Earth. Infusing a weapon with earth chakra flow is unheard of, it is seen as a defensive type used on one's body rather than their weapon, but Daichi has infused it into his blade, along with wind chakra flow. This makes Sunaarashi a particularly potent and powerful sword. It must be noted that infusing it with two chakra's simultaneously is very taxing and leads to instability in the chakra flow. Thus, while it is very powerful, it sucks chakara very quickly and causes damage to the user the longer it is active. For this reason, Daichi usually combines the chakra flows in short bursts against an opponent who does not expect such a strange and dangerous attack.[/hider] [hider=Combat Data] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] [list] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Extraordinary Stamina & Endurance[/color] - [i]Daichi grew up in the mountains of the Anjekus, the high altitudes forced his body to adapt and the harsh terrain required great skill and bodily stamina to negotiate. He can go through long periods of bodily strain without tiring and requires relatively little rest to recuperate. Years of traveling have further improved upon this trait.[/i] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Decent Strength[/color] - [i]While Daichi is by no means a monument to physical strength and muscularity, his strength matches, or is just above, that of the average chunin's.[/i] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Relatively Fast[/color] - [i]As with his strength, Daichi's speed matches that of the average jonin, or just above.[/i] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Longevity[/color] - [i]Due to the Ceremony of Flight, Daichi partially gained some of the Anjekus' long lifespans. His natural life is perhaps double that of a normal human.[/i] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Chakra of the Saduzow[/color] - [i]Due to their unique kekkai genkai, the Saduzow Clan developed certain chakra traits, over time and through selective reproduction at a point in their history, which led to most Saduzow clan-members having unusually large chakra pools which was much easier to mould and control than usual. This meant that chakra levels and control did not become a hindering factor when a clan-member was focusing on controlling all the spirits they had called forth. Needless to say, Daichi has inherited this. His sons, while benefiting from much larger chakra pools (thanks to their Anjeki half) do not have chakra as easy to mould and control as Daichi.[/i] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Master of Ninjutsu; Bukijutsu Skill; Taijutsu Amateur[/color] - [i]During his years with the Anjekus, Daichi was mainly taught ninjutsu and taijutsu (he did not remain long enough to delve into senjutsu). He did not achieve true mastery until he found himself forced to push himself to higher and higher levels during The First Great Shinobi War. Learning a wide array of jutsu in combat from enemies, he also developed a few of his own. His over-all physical power, training and experience also makes him a rather decent taijutsu user, though those with more dedication to the art can best him. He also received, along with taijutsu, a great amount of training in the Kenjutsu branch of Bukijutsu. Over the years his use of his sword, Sunaarashi, has been combined with his ninjutsu skills to create a very powerful combo.[/i] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Masterful Imbecile of Genjutsu[/color] - [i]If idiocy in the use of genjutsu was an art, Daichi would be a master amongst masters. Genjutsu as a whole baffles him and he does not bother much with it. His ability to detect genjutsu being used against him, however, is above average due to the Chakra of the Saduzow. His abnormal chakra control, and the traits of his chakra, mean that disturbances by foreign chakra are slightly more easy to detect. Of course, those with some skill with genjutsu are capable of trapping him without him noticing for extended periods of time, while those less skilled would be able to trap him for shorter periods before he notices. It must be noted that knowledge of one's entrapment in a genjutsu does not mean they are any the more able to break free, and this is true of Daichi.[/i] [*] [color=9e0b0f]Easily Absorbed Chakra[/color] - [i]Due to the ease with which Chakra of the Saduzow can be moulded and controlled, it is rather vulnerable to Chakra Absorption Techniques. Such techniques are particularly potent against Daichi and even a small amount of exposure can drain him of huge amounts of chakra despite his large chakra pool. While the chakra does not retain its traits once absorbed into another persons chakra stream, the amount absorbed is huge, giving opponents huge boosts. In rare cases, the speed and amount of chakra absorbed can be damaging to the one absorbing, leading to chakra overflow, chakra being wasted and a varying period of weakness.[/i] [/list] [B]Name of Kekkei Genkai/Hiden/Kekkei Tota:[/B] Tamashi no Rikugun/ The Fusiongun [B]Clan:[/B] Saduzow Clan [B]Description:[/B] The Fusiongun is a Kekkei Genkai technique special to the now largely reduced Saduzow Clan - the only remaining members being Daichi Saduzow and his three sons, Yoshiaki Saduzow, Toshihiro Saduzow and Kiyoshi Saduzow. The clan was very prominent in the Wind Country and prided itself on the quality and prowess of its shinobi, regarding themselves as the elite shinobi clan of the Land of Wind. The clan had a compound in the middle of the desert (see Daichi's birthplace on map) where its members were trained and taught in the clan's own, unique academies. The clan had a dual hierarchy system. On the one side was the largely symbolic family hierarchy, where families within the clan traditionally viewed as prestigious and descended of great members of the clan were higher up and wielded more influence and respect. On the other was the more egalitarian prowess hierarchy. The clan had regular clan-wide examinations every ten years which tested all members on various abilities, ranging from cognitive skills and knowledge to ninja abilities and power over the Fusiongun. The fifteen who scored highest became the clan's council who would rule for the next ten years, the one who scored highest being considered the clan leader. However, the clan was extremely secretive about its internal workings and much has been forever lost, including their expansive library which was famed far beyond the borders of the Wind Country. The library was burnt to the ground during the destruction of the clan - it is suspected that a clan member did the act to prevent their knowledge from leaking out, as no other building had been burnt to the ground. The Fusiongun, when activated, causes the user's iris and pupils to become a glow-in-the-dark green. This kekkai genkai causes the body of the user to become a medium between the physical world and the realms of the dead. Spirits of long dead animals, many which do not exist on the user's plane of existence, are capable of being called forth and used in combat. These spirits will attack anyone in the user's vicinity whom the user views as enemies. Activation also makes it possible for the user to detect all spirits within their one hundred metre radius - whether they are those they have summoned or those within living people or creatures in the vicinity. What makes this ability something of a double-edged sword is that summoning forth a particularly powerful spirit without the ability to control it can lead to a complete loss of control. More often than not, it is the user who becomes the target of the vengeful spirit in such cases - meaning that the spirit, ironically enough, destroys the very medium keeping it on the physical plane. Needless to say, it takes a phenomenal amount of willpower to use the Fusiongun, which is why the first time it is activated leads to a complete loss of control. All animals summoned will rampage and kill anyone in sight unless the rampage is contained - usually by a few skilled Fusiongun users who can seize control of the rampaging spirits and force the deactivation of the user's Fusiongun. Through long years of training, the wielder can summon more powerful spirits and maintain control over a greater amount simultaneously. This means that Saduzow clan-members required a very specialised and lengthier schooling, which is why the clan had its own special academy system in the compound. Currently, the only known users of the Fusiongun are Daichi Saduzow and Kiyoshi Saduzow. Due to being the children of one with the Fusiongun and one without (regardless of whether the other was human or Anjeki) it was very unlikely that any of Daichi's children would ever have the Fusiongun. Thus, Kiyoshi having the Fusiongun came as a surprise to the entire family. This has also meant that his kidnapping came as a double-tragedy: the loss of Daichi's son and also the loss of the only other person who had the Fusiongun. ========================================= [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] [B]Canon Jutsu[/B] Basic Techniques: [list] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_Technique]Body Replacement Technique[/url] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Transformation_Technique]Transformation Technique[/url] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Flicker_Technique]Body Flicker Technique[/url] [/list] Earth Release: [list] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Style_Wall]Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall[/url] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_Spear]Earth Chakra Flow; Earth Release: Earth Spear[/url] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Rock_Armour]Earth Chakra Flow; Earth Release: Rock Armour[/url] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Shadow_Clone] Earth Release: Shadow Clone[/url] [/list] Wind Release: [list] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Blade]Wind Chakra Flow; Wind Release: Vacuum Blade[/url] [*] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Beast_Tearing_Gale_Palm]Wind Release: Beast Tearing Gale Palm[/url] [/list] [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Earth Release: Clawed Clone Jutsu [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu; Clone Technique [B]Rank:[/B] S [B]Range:[/B] Short; Mid; Long [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth [B]Handseals:[/B] 11 [B]Description:[/B] The user alters the very being of his shadow clones, creating a depiction of the most monstrous side of the user. Naturally, these clones take a lot of focus to control one clone, let alone more. This means that while this technique is active, the user's movements are very limited. Ideally he should remain completely still, though some bursts of movement won't break the Jutsu. The blow to movement is more than made up for by the raw destructive power and speed of the Clawed Clones, which can vary greatly depending on the amount of chakra used to create said clones. This technique requires a great amount of chakra and to be extremely advanced in the art of creating shadow clones. Upkeep of the clones does not require any extra chakra, but the negative energies used to create the clone require that the user remain completely focused on keeping control of the clones. If control is lost, the Clawed Clone does not simply crumble to dust, but goes on a rampage until it has been destroyed beyond any ability to regenerate. Unlike normal shadow clones, the Clawed Clone cannot itself use Jutsus, and is only useful in melee or for guarding the user if need be. The clone is immune to genjutsu, has some resistance to ninjutsu and taijutsu. It is also capable of regenerating itself if any part of it is destroyed. This regeneration ability requires chakra, which the clone has a finite, irreplaceable amount of. It is therefore dependent on the user's chakra reserves for continued regeneration. The clones can be dispelled by the user at will, so long as they remain in control of them. The clone can be stopped in one of three ways: destroying it completely, thus making regeneration impossible; sealing it or trapping it in some way so that it is no longer a threat; or forcing the user to deplete their chakra reserves so that the clone can no longer regenerate - alternatively, one can make the user lose control of the clone, which also achieves this effect. [B]Weakness:[/B] Incorporated into description. But to summarise: [list] [*] Requires a great amount of focus, thus greatly limiting user's mobility. [*] Requires a great amount of chakra to initiate. [*] Requires mastery of Shadow Clone creation. [*] Clone cannot use jutsus. [*] Clone requires extra chakra to regenerate - usually relying on the user's. [*] Complete destruction of the clone/s, trapping the clone/s, depleting the user's chakra reserves or causing the user to lose control of the clone/s are all methods one can attempt at neutralising this jutsu. [/list] ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Earth Chakra Flow; Earth Release: Earth Rock Sword [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Short [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth [B]Handseals:[/B] None [B]Description:[/B] A combination of [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Release:_Earth_Spear]Earth Spear[/url] and and [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Rock_Armour]Rock Armour[/url] which, rather than being imbued into the user's body, is imbued into one's weapon. Daichi generally uses it on his sword, Sunaarashi. The sword becomes extraordinarily hard and its offensive power increases tremendously, meaning that normal weapons are shattered upon contact. The blade is easily able to pierce rock and penetrate defensive ninjutsu of Rank C and damage those of Rank B. This technique does not add to the weight of the sword and is usually used in conjunction with [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wind_Release:_Vacuum_Blade]Wind Chakra Flow; Wind Release: Vacuum Blade[/url], adding to its lethal cutting power and negating the swords vulnerability to lightening based attacks. Using this combo is Daichi's regular method of combat, tending to take advantage of the fact that he needs no handseals for either Vacuum Blade or Earth Rock Sword to spontaneously change between each technique. [B]Weakness:[/B] On its own, this jutsu is clearly vulnerable to lightening release techniques, a skilled practitioner could easily conduct lightening through the blade and give the user quite a shock. However, this is negated when this technique is used in conjuction with Vacuum Blade, in which case the technique becomes rather vulnerable to fire release jutsus, despite the earth release acting as something of a counter-balance to that. It must be noted that while infusing Sunaarashi with two chakras simultaneously is the swords speciality, it is very taxing and leads to instability in the chakra flow through the sword. Thus, while it is very powerful, it sucks chakra very quickly and causes damage to the user the longer it is active. For this reason, Daichi usually combines the chakra flows in short bursts against an opponent who does not expect such a strange and dangerous attack rather than use it continuously. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Mummy Bandage Wrapping Jutsu [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Short; Mid; Long [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth; Wind [B]Handseals:[/B] 5 [B]Description:[/B] A blast of aged bandage cloth emerges from the user's palm and streaks towards the target at very high speeds. The cloth attempts to wrap around the target, immediately paralysing them. The paralysis works in two stages. The initial stage occurs upon contact with the target, the cloth is coated with a powerful, chakra charged, scorpion poison which passes through cloth and skin right into the targets bloodstream, leading to almost immediate paralysis. This continues as the bandages wrap around the target, and once more bandages hold them in place, the chakra in the bandages begins targeting pressure points, cementing the paralysis and possibly leading to fainting. This also affects the chakra flow in the target's body and can mean that even if the target gets away, they will have less control over their chakra for a while. The paralysis can range from one minute to ten depending on the target's capabilities, but the paralysis allows for more bandages to wrap around the target, adding to the paralysing effect. The bandages, if allowed, will tighten around the victim completely. The air flow in and out of the target is inhibited, the tightening of the bandages puts great strain on blood vessels in the body and with increased strain on more pressure points, given time the target will die. Due to the large number of bandage cloths released, this technique can be used simultaneously on numerous opponents, more-so if the user decides to use both hands. [B]Weakness:[/B] Though enhanced with chakra to prevent ease of severing, the bandages can be severed with chakra enhanced weapons. This usually requires one other than the target to do it, unless the target overcomes the paralysis. The bandages can also be torn, swatted down or trapped by dropping things like rock, metal or other physically heavy things upon them. Further, fire release techniques can set them alight - and being aged bandages, they are very vulnerable to fire. Due to their earth properties and their chakra enhancement, the bandages are rather good at conducting lightening, meaning that the user can get quite the shock if they are struck, if not be seriously injured, depending on the strength of the lightening attack. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Giant Pyramid Turtle Summoning Jutsu: Grazna [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu; Summoning Technique [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Short; Mid; Long [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth; Wind [B]Handseals:[/B] 5 [B]Description:[/B] This technique summons one of the Giant Pyramid Turtles which dwell within the mountain home of the Anjekus. Daichi's summon is an enormous, red horned turtle named Grazna. While slow, it has the ability to release powerful gusts of wind from its mouth and has the ability to manipulate the earth in its direct vicinity. Its skin is particularly hard and thus difficult to penetrate. [B]Weakness:[/B] As is the case with all turtles, Grazna is pitifully slow, both in movement and reaction time. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Pyramid Lotus [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu; Summoning Technique [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Short; Mid; Long [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth; Wind [B]Handseals:[/B] None [B]Description:[/B] This technique requires that Grazna be summoned. Upon command from the summoner, Grazna buries itself into the ground, leaving nothing but the pyramid above ground, which then proceeds to open much like a lotus flower. Within it is a huge pole, upon which is a mummy sarcophagus. As the pyramid opens up, so too does the sarcophagus and a humanoid being emerges, covered from head to toe in bandages. However, its chest area has a clean cut from neck to pelvis, though this is closed. This mummy enjoys much of a Clawed Clone's abilities, with exception that there is no risk of losing control. This creature is capable of matching up against A Rank shinobi, and the touch of its bandages has the same properties as Daichi's Mummy Bandage Wrapping Jutsu. Extremely fast and well-versed in taijutsu, this is a most powerful creature. Further, due to not being a completely sentient being, genjutsu does not affect the mummy. [B]Weakness:[/B] While powerful in its own right, this mummy is rather vulnerable to fire release techniques as its ancient, dry body can very easily be set alight. While very fast, the main strength of its strikes is in fact their ability to paralyze opponents rather than any physical damage they do, thus if one is strong enough, they can fight through the paralysis and physically attack the mummy, its head being its weakness as all other body parts can be reassembled if severed. However, unlike Clawed Clones, body parts cannot be regenerated if destroyed - if for instance they are burnt or completely pulverised. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Mummy Burial [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Fuinjutsu [B]Rank:[/B] S [B]Range:[/B] Short; Mid [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth; Wind [B]Handseals:[/B] None [B]Description:[/B] This technique requires that Pyramid Lotus be active. The mummy opens up its chest and wraps its arms and legs around the target, before proceeding to consume them into itself. Once they have been completely consumed, the mummy leaps back into the sarcophagus which closes shut and falls to the ground of the pyramid among many other sarcophagi which undoubtedly host others who have been sealed inside over the centuries. A new sarcophagus and mummy grow back naturally over a period of one month. [B]Weakness:[/B] The clearest weakness is the huge recharge time required for the re-use of this skill, making it rather ineffective in an immediate battle against many opponents, it also means that Pyramid Lotus cannot be used for the same period of time. Further, the technique can be quashed completely if one is able to resist the paralysis and use fire release jutsus - being particularly potent when one is inside the mummy as the critical hit chance is 100%. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Ultimate Defense Orb [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Defensive Ninjutsu [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Short [B]Nature Type:[/B] Earth; Wind [B]Handseals:[/B] The amount. [B]Description:[/B] Creates an orb of very thick chakra around around the user, which is nigh on indestructible. However it takes a huge amount of chakra to keep up and B rank jutsu's can weaken it slightly. A rank jutsus and above can obliterate it, leaving the user inside injured but alive. However, they are drained of all the chakra they put into creating the technique. This also passively protects against genjutsu, the chakra flow around the user slightly disrupting the delicate chakra signals required for a genjutsu to affect a user's mind. However, those with some genjutsu skill can generally over-ride this and get through to the user within. [B]Weakness:[/B] As mentioned, high level ninjutsu can obliterate the orb. The orb also takes up the user's complete focus and they are neither able to move nor use any other jutsus while it is active. It is truly a last ditch absolute defence jutsu. Further, the orb consumes chakra at a staggering rate, and both initiating and keeping up the jutsu can drain a shinobi. For this reason, it is considered rather ineffective if the user needs to continue fighting after it is dispelled. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Anjekus Ascension [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] N/A [B]Rank:[/B] S [B]Range:[/B] N/A [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A [B]Handseals:[/B] N/A [B]Description:[/B] This is not so much a 'jutsu' as it is an automatically triggered reaction to near death situations. Daichi's appearance changes and he grows the black wings he is famed for. His eyes become completely white and a strange swirling aura, black and white, surrounds him. His chakra peaks, doubling or tripling in size, and his body heals completely. To achieve the full form of this technique, Daichi must truly be on the brink of death, for the Anjekus have a strange affiliation with death. [B]Weakness:[/B] Daichi cannot use this technique at will, and must be beaten and battered to the extent that he is at death's doors, it is designed as a second wind mechanism and allows Daichi to tap into a greater pool of chakra. However, the technique cannot be maintained for an extended period of time, ten minutes at the most, after which it dissipates, leaving the user's health restored and injuries healed, and their chakra back to its usual level. Further, the technique cannot activate until a period of sixth months has passed since the last activation, meaning that Daichi does not enjoy an infinite amount of 'second winds'.[/hider]