[centre] [@Ogobrogo]'s Active Character [hider=Graham] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll1lggQS8g1qf8r8uo1_500.jpg[/img] [color=fdc68a][u][b]Real Name[/b][/u][/color]: Graham Gavin Turner [color=fdc68a][u][b]Superhero Alias[/b][/u][/color]: N/A [color=fdc68a][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/color]: Male [color=fdc68a][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color]: 15 [color=fdc68a][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color]: That small fry would be Graham. Short for his age, and small in size to boot, Graham doesn’t stand out all that much. He hides his scalp under a messy mop of orangish-red locks and his green eyes behind a pair of green framed glasses. The kid prefers his clothes somewhat baggy. He’ll mainly wear T-shirts, usually throwing on a button-up flannel over that should it be a bit cold, coupled mainly with khaki cargo pants or jeans. No shorts for this lad. As for shoes, just a pair of grey and blue tennis shoes will do. [color=fdc68a][u][b]Power Set[/b][/u][/color]: Biological Manipulation: Graham possesses the ability to control all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up. This includes, but is not limited to: -[b][u]Physical distortion/augmentations[/u][/b]: From increasing the subject’s hair length to growing additional limbs, Graham is your one-stop shop for a true “total makeover.” Of course, the larger the change, the more energy is required on Graham’s part. Regrowing a friend’s arm after losing an arm-wrestling match with a super-strengthed behemoth, while possible, is not something that Mr. Turner is able to do at his current level. -[u][b]Healing[/b][/u]: Graham can dramatically boost a person’s natural healing. As of the moment, he has only succeeded in healing minor wounds, anything more rapidly drains him of his energy. As such, he is unable to revive the dead. Not that he’d want to, anyway. Sometimes dead is better. [b][u]-Disease[/u][/b]: Similar to his healing, Graham is able to switch gears, so to speak, and empower diseases present in a subject, increasing their resistances to the host body, multiplying diseased cells, the whole nine yards. He unable to create diseases from nothing, though. Should he want to give someone a case of the superflu, he’d better hope they’re battling the sniffles. All a moot point, however. The disease portion of his ability is something Graham would like to avoid. -[b][u]Biological functions[/u][/b]: Graham can affect the body at almost every level. It is not out of reach for Graham to be able to increase/decrease a subject’s metabolism, growth rate, muscle growth, so on and so forth. However, he can’t simply will it to be. Such changes require incredible concentration and intimate knowledge of the human body and how it works. Graham is sorely lacking on both fronts. Or rather, Graham possesses the potential of such abilities. His abilities all require him to touch the subject to take affect. It is able to affect through clothing, however hard padding or metal will block any such attempts. As stated before, manipulation is very demanding on Graham’s body. He is prone to fatigue after using it. Major changes, while theoretically possible, are dangerous to Graham at his current stage. And try as he might, Graham cannot affect himself with his ability. No healing, no changing, nada. Physician, heal thyself. [color=fdc68a][b][u]Other Skills[/u][/b][/color]: While not the brightest kid on the block, and unable to fight his way out of a paper bag, Graham does have a great ear for music. He is quite proficient at the piano and guitar. He was quickly learning to play the sax, but somebody stole the beast, likely to hawk it for some nefarious means. [color=fdc68a][u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]: As hinted at a few times, Graham is rather frail and, as the universe is fond of playing cruel jokes on us all, has a poor immune system. He is frequently sick, which compounds his current stamina issues with his powers. More likely to be curled up next to a book or a game pad, Graham is, understandably so, not very athletic. He’s very quick to trust people, which leads to him being used or misled easily. Not that he’s horribly gullible, he just likes to see everybody as inherently good. As he’s a pacifist, Graham isn’t much help should a physical confrontation break out. He doesn’t exactly know how to fight, and his small stature isn’t about to overpower anybody anytime soon. [color=fdc68a][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color]: Some people are content to bask in silence, pondering the nature of the universe and one’s self. Graham would not be one of those people. A loud-mouth hothead with a silver tongue and a rather low boiling point resides in the frail outer shell. Graham is one to find something to talk about with anyone. He hasn’t met a stranger yet. Not to say that he is beloved by one and all. He’s a pretty blunt guy, saying what comes to mind be it cruel or otherwise. Not that he means to be rude, he just doesn’t like to lie. If one can get past that, they see that Graham is a loyal, protective guy. He also loves order. Rules, law, there is always a way things are to be done, and Graham sticks to that closely. When he does inevitably fly off the handle, Graham is quick to try to resolve the issue and return things back to pristine order. Graham considers himself a pacifist, though he does (barely) support physical violence for emergency defence of self or others, although never in lethal ways. As such, the boy can’t fight and quite frankly, doesn’t want to. He’d rather give out a mighty tongue lashing than a roundhouse kick. Also, Graham is unable to perform roundhouse kicks. [color=fdc68a][u][b]Backstory[/b][/u][/color]: Reared by a coal miner and factory worker in a one-stoplight town in Eastern Kentucky, Graham had a pretty average childhood. His parents made enough to get by without worrying about ending up in a soupline down at the shelter. Neither of which displayed any signs of abnormality beyond a fondness for cheesy movies, puns, and all things KISS, thus making Graham a first generation mutant. His powers didn’t start awakening until around his twelfth birthday. Maxie, the aging, hard-of-hearing family dog , had urged Graham into another game of “Throw the stick, and I’ll bring it back. Forever. Seriously, don’t stop” right in the front lawn. The Turner boy, more preoccupied with thoughts of video games, TV, and that babelicious fox called Heather that sat two seats up and one over from him in class. Maybe he was caught up in one of his fantasies when he threw the stick just a little too hard and it landed in the road. Maxie saw it land and his ancestral wolf blood began to boil. The hunt was on. He launched forward with all the strength of a dog half his age. Perhaps if he were half his age, he would have hear Graham calling him to stop. He wasn’t and he didn’t, though. Just as Maxie triumphantly retrieved the stick, he was clipped by a red Ford going twenty over the limit. And no, the driver didn’t stop. Didn’t even tap the brakes afterwards. Graham rushed to the dog, tears flooding his face. Maxie was a mess. His legs in angles they shouldn’t be, blood dripping from his mouth. Probably only a few steps from the Great Dog Park In the Sky when Graham pulled him closer, begging him not to go. Then the blooding stopped. And after a few moments, the dog got up and licked his face, eager to continue the game. The dying pooch looked as if nothing at all had happened. Graham could have even swore he saw the dog’s ears twitch when he called it’s name. Many similar events occurred in the passing days, months, and years. He never spoke a word of it to his parents. Didn’t speak a word of it to anyone, actually. And then he received a letter in the mail. Perhaps a bit vague, and omitting any and all obvious mentions of superpowers, but Graham got the message. Someone somehow had noticed what he could do. And that someone or someones was now offering to help him learn about this...thing. How could he refused. His parents took some work to convince, especially with his health issues, but he won in the end. Enthusiasm always wins in the end. [color=fdc68a][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/color]: Graham is prone to “verbal diarrhea” when too excited. The more worked up he gets, the more likely for his sentences to become just long words. [/hider] [centre] [hider=Tabitha Turner] [hider=Tabitha][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1216/92ccc23701e36a237fe37af12187820a.jpeg?1266897[/img][/hider] [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Real Name[/b][/u][/color]: Tabitha Hannah Turner [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Superhero Alias[/b][/u][/color]: n/a [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/color]: Female [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color]: 15 [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Tabitha][color=FFB6C1]“Y’know, you’d look REEEAAALLY swell in black an’ blue.”[/color][/quote] And in this corner, wearing the green trunks, standing at five foot seven and weighing in at a hundred and twenty-two pounds, “Terrible” Tabby Turner! Tabitha is of a more athletic build than her siblings, though she hasn’t been able to escape the trademark pale skin, red locks and green eyes that haunts the entirety of the Turner brood. Her hair is closer to Ted’s than Gracie’s or Graham’s. Oh well. Slap a little sunscreen on, trim that hair down shortish, don a hat and some sunglasses then everything’s hunky-dory. The feisty redhead isn’t much for fancy clothing. The really nice stuff is either too restrictive, too expensive, or too stupid. And just too much work. Seriously. Just keep it simple, stupid. Much like her brother, Tabitha’s content with just a band tee and some jeans. Not that she’s copying him, though. The little dweeb hijacked her style. At least, that’s her story and she’s sticking to it. Anyone who says otherwise gets a couple of black eyes, on the house. She does have a little more variety than the tiniest Turner. If it’s hot, there shall be sweaters. If it’s not, shorts off the port. Though athletic wear is king in her eyes. Comfy, breathable, breezy, why that’s everything to make for a happy Tabby. Really, about the only fashion statement she makes is a small blue star she paints on her face under her left eye every morning. Why? Because she likes stars. Got a problem with it? Well fuck you too, buddy. Let’s go, right here, right now. [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Power Set[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Tabitha][color=FFB6C1]“What? Twenty hands are better than two, duh.”[/color][/quote] [b][u][color=FFB6C1]Self-Duplication[/color][/u][/b] It’s likely that at some point in one’s life, one will ponder the possibilities of having a clone to boss around and with which to get into hilarious hijinks and shenanigans. For most, that will sadly never be. Tabitha, however, is living the dream. She is able to create a perfect replica of herself at will. The replica is identical to Tabitha in every conceivable way, sharing all of her memories, her feelings, her hopes, her dreams, her biological makeup, her clothing, you name it. The replica will always cooperate with Tabitha. Whether that be due to an effect of the power itself or Tabitha’s deep love for herself, is a question for another day. At the moment, she is capable of creating and maintaining up to ten clones of herself. Any more and she quickly finds that she runs out of stamina and becomes quite exhausted physically and mentally. There is also distance to consider. Thirty meters, or about 98.4 feet, is her absolute maximum range, and her clones are likely to massively drop in quality. Time may be a factor, but Tabitha isn’t sure. She’s never had a single clone out longer than three hours. In most cases when using her ability, she tends to stick to a happy medium: five clones at fifteen meters, only using more when absolutely required. As long as Tabitha is conscious and in a relatively healthy, she is able to create her clones instantly. They appear almost as an afterimage, that is to say, they appear in the space Tabitha previously inhabited then quickly move to their own. So long as she can move a limb, she should be able to create a clone. Dissipating them requires just a thought, then poof, bye bye clone. [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Other Skills[/b][/u][/color]: Boxing Background - Starting boxing at a local gym at age ten. Has had some moderate success in tournaments, but hasn’t really achieved anything of note. Fights in the southpaw stance in a swarmer style. Slappin Da Bass, Mon - She picked up the bass at twelve. She hasn’t looked back since. Can I Be Like Mike? - Tabitha loves basketball. More importantly, Tabitha is GOOD at basketball. It’s not uncommon to see her playing her clones on the court. [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]: TILT! - She doesn’t work well from behind. If she starts losing, she’s likely to make more mistakes or lose morale quicker. What a Klutz - She’s rather clumsy. Not likely to have much of a future in waitressing. Au Contraire - Tabitha, cannot resist proving herself to others. If told she cannot do something, she’ll do it or die trying. Jackass - She’s stubborn as a mule. She’s right. You’re not. Facts be damned. Deal with it. My Glasses - Her eyesight isn’t the best, but she refuses to wear glasses. Just Don’t Move for the Next Three Hours - Is actually pretty talented with a makeup brush. [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color] [quote=Tabitha][color=FFB6C1]“Mama said knock you out.”[/color][/quote] Duuuh, Tabby smash small pudgy man. Tabitha is yet another in a long line of sarcastic Turner children. While she’s not horribly cruel, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. And she’s more than willing to back up her words with actions. Tabitha is an impulsive, rash, stubborn mule of a woman who enjoys the simple things in life. Like, y’know, running. Or jumping. Or punching. She likes competition, or more accurately, likes winning competitions. Losing isn’t exactly one of her strong points. She’s actually rather emotional and quite prone to tears when excited, sad, what have you. Mocking it probably wouldn’t be the wisest action. She’s got a burning, hair-trigger temper and once this top is popped, there is no stop til somebody gets bopped. Fun is the hyperactive, overly energetic chica’s top priority. It dictates most of her actions. If something seems fun, she’ll do it. If not, she won’t. Nice and simple, yeah? Studying, sadly, isn’t exactly what she would call the most riveting activity, and as such her grades aren’t exactly the best. But that’s not a cause for concern for her. Tabitha lives in the moment, in the now. Cause she can go with the flow, ya dig? Despite the negatives, Tabby can be pleasant to be around. She’s pretty laid back when not competing. She’ll laugh at just about anything and more or less tries to get along with people. Just, y’know, don’t complain when she decides she doesn’t like you and then starts the harassment/pranks. It’s just business. [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Backstory[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Tabitha][color=FFB6C1]“Yeah yeah yeah, I know, but just hear me out. This is going to be fuckin’ hilarious.”[/color][/quote] Technically the youngest of the Turner children, Tabitha popped out of Mrs. Turner ten minutes after her fraternal twin, Gracie. Her ability developed rather early, about the time she hit three months she was already creating full clones in the crib. A bit of a shocker for the parents, but we all learn to adapt. Tabitha ended up having a relatively normal childhood. Her parents, fearing what trouble her ability may bring to the child, made sure that she knew to keep the cloning thing secret. So she did. She was an active child, having plenty of friends and involved in sports galore. Basketball was the big one, though she did play softball for a couple years. As of late, boxing has become a big part of her life. That is, until… Her letter arrived shortly before Graham’s. She was ecstatic. To attend a place where she could freely use her gift? Hell yeah, she was down. Her parents took a lot of convincing though. They weren’t keen on their child being taken to some far off place to be molded into a tool...but they caved. Tabby convinced them to give the OK. They opted to keep her invitation a secret from Graham, not wanting to burden the fragile child with his sister’s hefty secret. So when Graham’s letter came, they were surprised. Tabitha yet again got her way, convincing them not to tell Graham that she was going as well. Why? Because she wanted to surprise him/give him a heart attack. And if one thing was guaranteed in the Turner household, it was that pranks were sacred. Onwards for laughs. [color=FFB6C1][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/color]: -Terrified of bears. +Terrified of spiders. -Terrified of rats. +Fuck wildlife, like seriously. -She’s the best singer of the Turner trio. +Has never kissed anybody. -Graham is often the subject of her torture. +Gracie, however, is Tabitha’s idol. -Is the midpoint between Graham’s slobbiness and Gracie’s obsessive cleanliness +Fucking hates Country music. Just die. [/hider] [hider=Gracie Turner] [hider=Gracie][img]http://safebooru.org//images/947/e3851ba4cda1606b82f11f5adc2bf500058393e7.jpg?952828[/img][/hider] [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Real Name[/b][/u][/color]: Gracie Hannah Turner [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Superhero Alias[/b][/u][/color]: n/a [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/color]: Female [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color]: 15 [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Gracie][color=CD5C5C]“Ugh...could you try NOT looking like a cavewoman for once? I swear, Tabby, there’s no hope for you.”[/color][/quote] Appearances are important and first impressions are everything. As such, Gracie is diligent in keeping herself prim and proper at all times. One never knows when one might have to make an unexpected appearance after all, and to be tardy is inexcusable. Gracie stands about five foot nine and no, she’ll not be announcing her weight anytime soon. She has a very slim build. As with the others, she’s been cursed with red hair and green eyes. Her locks are more in line with Graham’s than Tabby’s or Ted’s. She applies light makeup. Subtlety says the most. Gracie prefers dressier clothing. Dresses, skirts, anything with an air of class about it. Her favorite and most worn outfit is a dark blazer with a pair of jeans. She frequently wears newsboy caps. If it gets cold, her scarf collection finally gets some use. Joyous day. [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Power Set[/b][/u][/color]: [b][u][color=CD5C5C]Psionic Materialization[/color][/u][/b] Gracie is gifted with the ability to give form to the objects in her imagination using psychic energy. Gracie can use her mental energy to create objects, though they are not permanent by any means. They’ll only exist so long as Gracie focuses on them. Given the the means to create, how does Gracie choose to utilize her tool? Why weaponry, of course. While not a master by any means, Gracie employs an arsenal of psychic weapons in combat. Spears, swords, mauls, bows. The constructs mimics the weight and properties of the actual weapons, though this can be altered by Gracie on the fly. She prefers to keep things as realistic as possible though. She’s not limited to offense, however. She’s capable of producing shields and actual armor for herself as well. There is a bit of a risk to using her ability defensively. Her constructs are made of her own psychic energy, and should they be destroyed, Gracie suffers a bit of backlash. Depending on how much energy she had in the construct, the backlash can range from anything as small as a headache or slight discomfort to loss of consciousness or even death in the most extreme cases. Having the weapons available to her does not necessarily mean that Gracie is proficient in their use. Rather, she is horribly inexperienced in most. The only exception being the bow. She is a rather good shot. Her arrows can usually hold integrity up to 75m, but as a rule of thumb, she doesn’t feel comfortable taking shots longer than 50m. Her constructs, when used offensively, do mental damage, rather than physical, despite still existing on the physical plane. The cuts, bludgeons, and stabs still hurt like hell, but one’s not going to die to them. Her weaponry can be deflected, blocked, destroyed, what have you, just like the arms she's imitating. As for nonweaponry, should Gracie decide to make something else, she is rather limited. She is, at this moment, unable to create anything larger than a large wooden wardrobe. But hey, size doesn't matter. [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Other Skills[/b][/u][/color]: Feel the Rhythm in Your Bones - Gracie is a slave to the beat and a follower of the ways of the drumstick. Bullseye! - Gracie is a very good shot with a bow. She’s been shooting since she could hold a bow, thanks to Papa Turner. What Rhymes With Orange? ...Doorhinge? - Gracie writes songs rather often. She’s not likely to share them though. And They All Lived Happily Ever After… And Then A Dragon Ate Them - Writes fanfiction of her favorite books/television shows/etc. [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]: Don’t Blink. Blink and You’re Dead - Loss of focus will cause her constructs to dissipate. Something Seems...Off - Gracie’s constructs are purple. She cannot change the color of them. Mother Duck - Gracie is quite protective over her siblings. She won’t do anything that may put them in danger. Keep It Simple Stupid - Gracie overthinks things, often failing to take action due to considering every possible outcome of a certain action. JackassLite - Can be incredibly hardheaded, though she’s not as bad as her sister. Respect Your Elders - Easily submits to people in positions of authority. Glass Jaw - Without her powers augmenting her, Gracie isn’t much for physical combat. A good hit’s going to send her off to Mr. Sandman. You’re Beneath Me, Peon - Often comes across as condescending. Not on purpose, but it is what it is. [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Gracie][color=CD5C5C]“The shirts are separated my brand, country of origin, fabric type, color, then size. Seriously, people, how’s that hard to follow?”[/color][/quote] Gracie is an agent of order sent to stabilize the chaotic energies of the other Turner children. She seems to be failing. She’s a friendly, polite girl, just as outgoing as any of her siblings, and although she did inherit the same explosive temper as her siblings, her outbursts are internal rather than external. Granted, the trade-off seems to be her rage rants tend to be much more cruel than the others. She’s a fairly normal acting chick. She loves movies, books, most genres of music, the whole shebang. She does have a bit of a nerdy side, but that part is kept locked away tightly in her private place. She’s rather secretive about herself, preferring to deflect questions back to others, steering conversations away from herself. Knowledge is power and she’s not keep on others having power over her. Under her generally sweet demeanor is a bit of a control junkie. She likes getting her way and isn’t too pleased when she does. Perfection must be achieved, no matter the cost. While she is rather easy going, she can be rather vindictive when crossed and prefers for her revenge to cut deep. When on a quest for vengeance, she’s willing to use anything or anyone being as manipulative or cold as she needs to be as long as it means her justice shall be delivered. She’s tends to think things through to the point of overthinking. Logic over emotion at all times. Even when seeking justice, should she see herself going past what is logical, she’ll end her quest. Temporarily. [quote=Gracie][color=CD5C5C]“And for fuck’s sake, keep it clean you filthy pigs. Act civilized and pick up after yourselves.” [/color][/quote] [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Backstory[/b][/u][/color]: Gracie is the third child of the Turners, and was the youngest for a full ten minutes before her fraternal sister Tabitha decided to join the world. Oh well, such is life. Karma for doing the same thing to Graham, albeit he had eleven months of being the youngest. Whatever. Having a little sister was well worth it in Gracie’s eyes. Gracie’s childhood was...quiet. Her powers didn’t manifest as quickly as Tabitha’s did, nor did they wait as long as that potato Graham. She found her abilities about the time she turned five. It started while watching a cartoon movie. One of the Disney ones. One moment there was just a little ginger girl watching a television, then there was a little ginger girl watching a television with a purple candelabra dancing about beside her. The Turners were at least vaguely familiar with such experiences however, and dealt with it. Gracie was not to use the powers around other people. The little girl understood. Gracie threw herself into her studies and achieved glorious grades across the board because of it. She did the whole cheerleading thing for a couple years, but didn’t stick to it. She preferred her books to her pompoms. Go figure. She had plenty of friends, though few were close. Tabitha, her sister, is about as close a friend as she’s ever had. Her letter was the first to arrive of the Turner Trio. She asked the parents if she could go. They said no. She asked again. They said no. So no it was. That was, until Tabitha got a letter as well. She didn’t seem too excited about the idea at first, but Gracie got her fired up about it. Then Gracie unleashed the baby upon the parents. It worked like a charm. They broke down and agreed to allow Gracie and Tabitha to attend Herculean Academy. And Graham later, as well, but for the life of her, Gracie couldn’t figure out how he got an invitation. He was a potato. Well, starchy roots aside, Gracie was excited for the future that awaited her at this new school. What doors could it open for the future? [color=CD5C5C][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/color]: +Loves animals. -She’s obsessed with fantasy stories. +Writes often. She’s a terrible writer. -Secretly wants nothing more than to be a fairy tale hero. +Terrified of the dark. -Cannot pronounce the word digital correctly. +Tends to pantomime when speaking [/hider] [/centre] [centre][hider=Theodore Turner] [color=DEB887][u][b]Real Name[/b][/u][/color]: Theodore Troy Turner Goes by Ted. [color=DEB887][u][b]Superhero Alias[/b][/u][/color]: Boomer [color=DEB887][u][b]Gender[/b][/u][/color]: Male [color=DEB887][u][b]Age[/b][/u][/color]: 18 [color=DEB887][u][b]Appearance[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Ted][color=DEB887]“So it’s got a few stains, big whoop. At least it doesn’t stink...too much.”[/color][/quote] [img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/f28b/th/pre/i/2014/238/d/8/commission_for_sameersyed_by_dbkunbr-d7wticd.png[/img] Height? One-ninety six centimeters. Weight? Ninety-three kilograms. Ted’s got an athletic build. His hair is similar to his little sister Tabitha, and he shares the same eyes as the others from the Turner brood. He keeps his face shaved tight except for his goatee. And yes, it’s completely due to his inability to grow a full beard. Thanks, pops. His wardrobe is pretty simple. He doesn’t really have a set style. If it’s cleanish, than he’ll wear it. If it’s not...well he still might if there’s nothing else available. Whatever works. He usually goes for light clothes year round. Shorts in winter? Sure, why not? [color=DEB887][u][b]Power Set[/b][/u][/color]: [color=DEB887][b][u]Fire Manipulation[/u][/b][/color] [quote=Ted][color=DEB887]“So...I guess you’re waiting for some kind of fire pun, eh?”[/color][/quote] So Ted was given dominion over flame by the cosmic force that deemed him worthy. He is able to generate, shape and manipulate fire. Not to say that he is able to simply engulf the world in fire or bend the stars to his will. No, his is rather limited. Generating flames from nothing is by far the most taxing of his abilities. He uses his own energy stores as fuel for the flames, meaning the larger a fire he wants to make, the more tired he’ll end up being. The most practical sized flame he can make without just passing out with be one about as dense as a basketball. That is, the flame is devoid of anything else to feed upon, only Ted’s energy. Once the flame spreads, well, it will act like any normal flame. So long as it has something to eat and some oxygen, it’ll burn to its fiery heart’s content. Ted’s next aspect is shaping fire. He is able to bend the flames of the fire to take whatever shape he desires through merely his will alone. This is a rather easily ability for Ted and doesn’t take much to do. Of course, unless he is willing to generate more flames, Ted is limited to the size of fire. He couldn’t quite make a minivan out of a campfire for example. Manipulating fire is the final part of the fiery trinity. Ted can fiddle with the temperature, intensity, and size of the flame using this aspect. This is the middleground of Ted’s ability. Anything that increases the potency of the flame costs Ted valuable energy. Decreasing it is free then, right? WRONG! Manipulating the fire in any way eats away at the man’s stamina. With this is mind, Ted uses his ability sparingly, and tends to avoid creating flames, preferring to use already existing sources instead. Which is one of the reasons why he usually carries some sort of lighter. Ted’s fire is bound to the natural limits of fire. He cannot create flames burning anywhere near the temperature of the sun. Think of him as a sort of human bunsen burner to get a more accurate read on his abilities. He can only affect fire within his sight, and the flames he generates originate at his hands. So no, he cannot set some mook on fire just by looking at him. He would have to create some fire at his hands then either touch the mook or just lob the fireball at him. Ted does have a higher resistance to heat and can interact with his own fire without getting burned. Fire he is not actively manipulating or concentrating on will return to normal flames and burn his ass something fierce. [color=DEB887][u][b]Other Skills[/b][/u][/color]: Boxing Background - Started boxing at around age eight. Very successful in tournaments he’s competed in so far and has plans on entering the Golden Gloves upon graduation. Fights southpaw as a slugger. Run, Forest, Run! - Used to run track as a sprinter. Has some decent stamina for distance, but really shines in his short bursts. Angels in the Outfield - Ted likes baseball. Ted has a helluva pitching arm. Ted is lefthanded. Put the three together and you have Ted’s favorite pastime. Shot Through the Heart - Is a pretty decent shot with handguns. [color=DEB887][u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]: Must Construct Additional Effort - Ted is just too lazy. Most of the time he halfasses whatever he’s trying to do. I’m Just Going to Lose Anyway - Ted makes all kinds of excuses to get out of his responsibilities. Kick With Your Hands - Ted cannot swim and has a general dislike of water altogether. Wishy-Washy - He constantly flips back and forth on his options. He’s not likely to make a decision, preferring instead others to make them for him. Don’t Lay A Finger On Them - Incredibly protective of his family. Tends to get tunnel vision if they end up in danger. [color=DEB887][u][b]Personality[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Ted][color=DEB887]“Ahh...doesn’t matter. I’d probably be late anyway.”[/color][/quote] Ever taken time out to stop and smell the roses? Theodore Turner sure has. Except, uh...Ted never really got moving again after that. The eldest Turner child takes life slowly, enjoying each and every minute he gets. Never in a rush and never taking things too seriously, Ted is the embodiment of laid back. He’s rather kind, not one to sling an insult or a harsh word, and while he does fall prey to the occasional snark or two, he’s never mean spirited about it. He’s not one to really worry about others’ perception of him. Why sweat the small stuff? Ted’s actually pretty competent if he puts his mind to something...he just doesn’t do that often. And despite a history of winning, Ted is incredibly humble. So much so, that one would begin to doubt if Ted was aware of his own talents. But don’t worry, he’s incredibly confident in what he can do. He knows his limits better than anyone else. He just likes building up the confidence of those around them, to try to allow them to see their own potential. He prefers to get his work out of the way as quickly as possible. KO in boxing, strikeout in baseball. If it means having less work, Ted’s on board. Schoolwork, however, tends to not receive the same treatment. He’ll put it off until the last possible second. Or...y’know, later. What are grades in the grand scheme of things? About the only time Ted will actually get things together is if it seems like somebody is in danger. Despite his inherent slothness, Ted’s got a bit of a hero in him. The weak, the innocent, Ted can’t stand to see anyone taken advantage of in any way. Evil really burns him up. [color=DEB887][u][b]Backstory[/b][/u][/color]: [quote=Ted][color=DEB887]“Doesn’t really matter how we got here, does it? I’m still me and you’re still you. Can’t really change what we’ve already done, so why worry about it?”[/color][/quote] Theodore Troy Turner was the first of the four. He was only around for a couple years before Graham popped out and the twins shortly after. As such, it’s always been laid on him that he had to lookout for the little ones. And he did. Their entire childhood, Ted always made sure that Graham and the girls weren’t picked on by any of the neighborhood kids, that they were having fun, that they had everything they needed. He’d give his birthday or holiday gifts to the little ones, because it made them smile, which made him happy. He didn’t really need or want much and giving felt much better in his opinion. He was a rather active kid, playing sports every chance he had. He got really into baseball and later boxing, and eventually started running track in middle school in order to be in better shape for the other sports. And he was good. He ended up being a starting pitcher for his school team, won many of his bouts at the gym, and brought home the gold usually at meets. He might have even stuck with that if things worked out. But they usually don’t. Rough times hit the Turners. Mr. Turner lost his job in the mines. Money was rather tight with four children...so Ted offered to drop out and get a job to help support the family. His parents were against it completely, so Ted looked into alternative means… Which was when he got involved with a local gang. Ted had some connections through school and used them to get noticed. One thing led to another and Ted ended up on the corner slinging weight. He was making a pretty penny with his lucrative new part-time job and used the profits to get his siblings what they wanted. His parents asked where the money was coming from of course, but he told them he found a job he could keep while in school and they didn’t push further. Eventually Mr. Turner got another job and things were alright… But Ted didn’t stop. The money was just too good. His grades slipped and his performance in sports dropped. He gave up most of his extracurriculars in favor of his job. And business was booming. Until he got caught. Ted ended up in the midst of a bust one day while hanging with a few of his buddies in the gang. He wasn’t even selling that day, but there were drugs in the house. He went down with the others. Or would have. Ted panicked. He didn’t want to live with the shame. He didn’t think he could look his family in the eyes if they knew what he did. And at that time, his powers awoke. Ted’s friend’s girl just so happened to be cooking something on the stove at the time of the bust. Unfortunately for the police present, Ted’s panicked state caused the flames to grow rapidly...which caused him to panic even more. They went out of control and started spreading...and spreading...until the entire building was enveloped in flames. Ted’s two buddies and their girls burned that day. As did five state policemen. And the family in the apartment upstairs. Ted was the only survivor. He fled the building in the inferno and ran home. He didn’t even have time to fully adjust or understand what had happened before he received a letter from Herculean Academy. Fearing that he might be caught for what had happened should he stay, Ted decided to accept the invitation and was gone within a week. At the school, Ted managed to learn how to properly control his ability, and eventually came to terms with what he had done, rather than let it consume him. While still unsure of the future, a more mellow Ted sets his sights on a more heroic path, hoping to atone for his past mistakes and perhaps make the world a safer place for all. [color=DEB887][u][b]Other[/b][/u][/color]: +Smokes cigarettes whenever he gets a chance. -Absolutely abhors drugs. +Loves movies, particularly Quentin Tarantino films. -Loves Country music. +Used to fantasize of being a cowboy. -Just as much of a slob as Graham. +Pretty much tone deaf. -Carries around lighters for aforementioned smoking habit and to provide flames for his abilities. +Absolutely, 100% refuses to kill anyone or even entertain the thought of it. [/hider][/centre] [/centre]