[center][i]Once Upon A Time[/i] [hr] Name: Paul Bunyan Nickname: Changed his surname Braunson to avoid awkwardness with Mundies. Race: Human Fable, Giant Gender: Male [url=http://www.secondstaronthewrite.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/paul-bunyan.jpg]Appearance:[/url] There is only one change between Paul's Glamoured and unglamoured state, size. Paul stands 40 feet without his Glamour, jarring given that he now stands at a measly 6'6 in height. Paul is extremely broad and well built, towering over most other fables easily. His beard is a dense and wild thing, rough like the forests he tamed in his hay day of lumberjacking. The condition of his beard is shared with the rest of his body, black as coal and as dense as stone. Many a brush has met its end trying to tame his mane. His hands are covered in thick calluses from more than several centuries of hard labor and his skin is a little weather beaten fir the same reasons. As a general rule Paul tends to wear typical lumberjack garb. Plaid shirts, working boots, thick jeans, and a greenish-brown beanie fitted snug atop his head. Job: Owns a logging company however most of that money goes to maintaining his Glamour. Paul works odd jobs around town, anything from construction to bartending. His most stable job is as a cook at the [i]I Am The Eggman Diner[/i], he makes killer flapjacks. Personality: Paul is every bit the happy lumberjack from the stories. He is dedicated, determined, and always willing to give a helping hand. He values a good days work above most things, the only things on an equal plane being trustworthy friends and a hearty meal. Paul is also an avid supporter of the LGBTA community, the freedom to be who you is something he values greatly as well. However he is not all sunshine and hearty laughs, accusing him of doing shoddy work is a quick way to get on his bad side and picking on people who can't defend themselves is another sore spot for him. However nothing riles him up more than reminding him that, for all his wealth he is barely holding on and he can't even help his oldest friend. Fable: Back in the Homelands, Paul was every unnamed woodsman in stories. Paul himself was a humble man with the power to cut down trees, no matter their make. Eventually he felt a pull of sorts and left for the west. It was there that Paul Bunyan the legend was created. With every tree he cut down he grew, and grew, and grew until he became the giant he is now. From felling entire forests single handedly to fighting the strange beasts of this lands Paul was known as a pillar of strength to the lumberjacks who told his stories. As with all things however, things change. When he found the blue bull Babe, Paul was faced with a challenge he had never seen before. You couldn't fix a hungry calf by telling a tree or fighting a giant monster, for the first time in his life Paul had to raise something instead of making it fall. As the story went, Paul eventually got the hang of it and the two individuals became inseparable. And so the two went on many the adventure, the pair completing deed after deed until the exodus began. When Paul caught wind of what The Adversary was up to he and Babe hurried to the Homelands as fast as they could but by the time they arrived most of the damage was done. In the end Paul and Babe were among the last to leave the Homelands, his ability to sunder the troope of the Adversary was invaluable in helping many Fables escape. In the end however, Paul was only one man and he had to leave nursing a grew deal of wounds between him and Babe. In the aftermath Paul had to sell many of his holdings and Babe was eventually trapped in The Farm as he was left destitute. The injury on his pride was slow to heal, leaving him a bitter man for a long time before he came to accept his lot in life. Abilities: Paul is much, [i]much[/i] stronger than any Mundie and in fact is stronger than all but the strongest Fables. In his unglamoured form his strength is even greater, able to cleave through just about anything with a swing of his mighty axe. In addition he is really hard to put down, his relative popularity with the Mundies being a large factor. Lastly when Paul is armed with his axe he has the ability to cut through wood like it was made of butter, even magically enhanced wood would eventually fall to its blows. Other: -Paul has a titanic appetite, able to out eat and out drink pretty much everyone. -Every couple years he will drop by to the Valley of Slumbering Giants to visit Babe. -His giant axe is kept in a secret place, hidden so that only he can get it when the need arises. -While in no way a vegetarian, Paul can't bring himself to eat beef after raising Babe. -Through his many years in America he has seen the rise of several figures of American legend like John Henry and Johnny Appleseed. Become good friends with the former.[/center]