[b]Appearance[/b] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/lDBWGhW.jpg[/IMG] She is as depicted above and about 1.7 metres tall. She has a bust of C, and a curvacious figure. [b]Name[/b] Elle [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Race[/b] Human [b]Personality[/b] Elle is a sweet girl who always brings a smile to the faces of others. She is not fond of destruction and thus will avoid it. However, while unwilling to fight, she will fight it the need comes. [b]Branch of Magic[/b] Water Magic - Mastered greatly. Naturally, such a level of water magic grants underwater breathing, as well as temporarily transforming into water. Transformation - allows her to partially or fully transform into one of numerous aquatic animals. She can also alter her size to a minor extent, from as small as a tiny jellyfish polyp to as large as an orca. Air - she is able to create whirlpools, gusts of wind and lightning. Her other power is the ability to talk to animals and dragons, being raised by dragons herself. [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b] N/A [b]Bio/History[/b] She was found by the Leviathan Quez as an abandoned human baby. Feeling bad for the human, Quez took her in as her child, and decided to raise her to be a dragon. For her whole life, Elle believed that she was a dragon much like her foster mother, and she followed dragon rules. She had travelled with Quez to many places, but mostly limited to sea. Elle herself said that she wanted to see land some day, and Quez simply said, 'there are places you can go that mother cannot'. [b]Other[/b] Being raised by an aquatic dragon, she travels by sea. She currently lives on a small island with odd magic that allows sea creatures to 'fly' in the air. This is where a few Leviathans colonize.