The floor underneath of her feet pitched forward and back and for more than a few seconds, Beth was fully convinced she was going to faint. Beth never fainted, she had a stronger stomach than most due to the long hours she spent working as an EMT. It was a part time gig that paid the bills, and gave her the constitution of a bear. Yet here she was, feeling her stomach go through an entire cartwheel before it settled back into place, and she really did lose her lunch in an opportunely placed wastebasket. Gripping the edge of the chaise lounge that held the focal point in her small bedroom, she looked down at the golden watch that was nestled in the palm of her small, pale hand. The front covering was etched with an old fashioned looking globe, there was a name for it that she couldn't remember, but it was the inside that was truly unique. On first impressions, it appeared to be simply an old fashioned pocket watch with the gears visible as on so many other vintage watches. Oh sure, there were the typical markings for hour, minute and second, but there were two additional settings. The first was numbered one through twelve, much like the hour markings. One the second rung the numbers one through thirty one were just barely able to be made out. Upon further inspection, it became apparent that the second hand was bi-layered, and the second layer could be manipulated by a separate knob on the apex of the watch. Two other gears held smaller markings that it would take a magnifying glass to discern. Beth had been fiddling with it moments ago, trying to figure out the extra features and what they could have possibly been used for. Moments ago before she had felt her entire body shatter into a million pieces only to be reassembled on some dirty sidewalk where she had nearly been trampled by a man driving a buggy lead by two large horses. it was all that she had been able to see before being pulled back apart and placed neatly in her bedroom. The minute hand on the watch ticked and Beth nearly jumped out of her skin, tossing the watch away from her onto the chaise. There was no way, there was no possible way she had been anywhere a second ago other than right here in her room. It was a virtual impossibility. And yet, somehow, she had been. Pushing a hand through her dark mass of hair, Beth picked the watch up and palmed it again. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she quickly grabbed her jacket off of the back of her bed and threw it over her shoulders. One way or another the watch was an antique, and perhaps someone well versed in the field of antiquity would be able to explain exactly what it was and what it did. Luckily, Beth had a fair idea that she knew just the person.