Seeing that mister police man was still gathering his thoughts, somewhat fruitlessly, Kristof placed one of his thick hands upon the man's shoulder and patted it gently. With a tiny chuckle the strongman quietly says, "You have time to collect yourself." With great gusto the man waded out for all the group to see. With a few cursory flexes, with help from the gleaming stark lights it is truly obvious that Kristof is a well muscled man. Underneath the rather snug buttoned shirt and suspenders there is much to be shown, though some things cannot readily be seen, such as the man's heart of gold. With a warm smile he spoke directly to Garsin. "You already know much of me friend, our chat earlier was quite fun. But for those that do now know me, I am Kristof Brandt. Strongman and loving husband." As he speaks he bows rather theatrically. Rising, he continues in his usual broken accent, " The question, I feel hard to truly know, there are things you overlook or underlook. As you know we are men of fortitude, and with that comes strength and speed. I am not partial to violence, and never would I think of taking a life. Whether from the loveliest of butterflies to the most dreadful of beasts. Perhaps you see this as weakness, it is a strength to me, a man is much more than their physical strength, you must also hone the heart, the soul. Adjusting his suspenders he continues, "But there are weaknesses, I have never been schooled and am not so sharp of mind, perhaps you may call me stupid, I do not know. Never have I been one for orders, I enjoy freedom. I cannot say much for my powers of taste and smell other than the deliciousness of food." his demeanor becomes more stern, "Your group must know this, I will defy that which I deem immoral to my code." "Of course, I forget my greatest strength." Kristof chuckles whilst referring to the manly mustache he is twirling.