[hider=Haas Mesman] [b]Name:[/b] Haas Mesman [img]http://i.imgur.com/9UnGc7I.jpg[/img] [b]Character Type:[/b] Master of Archer [b]Languages:[/b] Dutch, English, Spanish, Latin [b]Affiliation:[/b] Mage's Association, Mesman Family [b]Height:[/b] 6ft. [b]Weight:[/b] 168lbs. [b]Place of Origin:[/b] Holland [b]Bio:[/b] Born into the rather large, yet unextraordinary magus family of the Mesman's, Haas was born prematurely, and, due to a lack of proper oxygen flow, became permanently blind in his left eye. Born to a family of Magi blacksmiths, he quickly garnered the attention of the heads of the household, due to his level of control over his magical circuits, vastly outstripping any of his kinsmen at an early age. No member of the Mesmans had ever truly been talented at magic, but the birth of a true Magus in the family was certainly something they were excited about. Groomed from age 6 to inherit the reigns of the not-so-lofty household, Haas received the same martial training his family had, and, as per tradition, forged his own weapons using naught but his bare hands and the historic Mesman Forge. Crafting a simple pair of two steel tonfas, he received his martial training, in addition to being tutored in the more practical uses of Thaumatergy, he did fairly well with learning the arts of Witchcraft, curses and boons coming easily to him. Realizing just how blessed he was with his knack for Magecraft, he started to look at life differently, going from a spoiled, pompous child to an accepting young man, willing to believe that anyone can come from anything. The lowest of the low can be born of the highest of the high, and vice versa. Maturing into a man, Haas inherited the title of heir to the house after defeating the previous head in a contest of martial prowess, ending the duel without being hit once. Until recently, he had done freelance work for the Mage's Association, and has absolutely no idea why he of all people would be selected as a candidate to become a Master. But, then again, he supposed that was just his kinda like. [b]Personality:[/b] Mesman is odd for a man of the Mage's Association, given that he has actively tried to uphold the values of the common man. One who values the virtues of the common man, as well as the truths sought by the Magi, he is a humble man, often valuing someone more for their character rather than their name, and considers Thaumatergy the stuff of miracles. [b]Bloodline:[/b] Mesman [b]Blood Type:[/b] O [/hider]