[h2]Charlotte Dyer[/h2] Charlotte tilted her head to the side, hearing the voices of the hazmat-suited men from over her wall of brambles. That was funny. If their motivations were pure, what was with all the gunfire and hostility going on? "Hey, hey," she began, glancing back towards the wall of brambles, "If you were just going to lock him up so he has some quiet time to himself, that'd be grand. But I don't like all this 'control him' stuff. Not one bit." She heard an ugly hissing sound from her wall of brambles, and the acrid smell of burning plant matter, diving away as boiling fluids exploded from her slowly-deteriorating wall of thorns. Well, that was that, wasn't it? She hadn't expected it to last, though, and it was slowing down his progress. A dark, purple magic circle materialized in the palm of her right hand, the lines interconnecting to form various designs in mana as she pointed her palm towards Meltdown. It wouldn't do much damage, but... The bolt of dark magic hurtled towards the superhuman. [h2]Blast Girl[/h2] Blast Girl smiled proudly, jerking her thumb towards her chest as the worker correctly identified her. There was a moment to be a bit proud now, wasn't there? She'd get right on helping everyone else out, though! That was the really important part. "That's me! I'm gonna help everyone out, so don't you worry, okay?" Her smile grew into the most reassuring grin she could manage, before she turned to focus on what Prism had said. She vaguely recognized her fellow hero, and gave a firm nod. "Yeah, I'll help out with that," she replied, ejecting shells from her gauntlets so new ones could be loaded. "I've got this!" With that, she hurried over to the next pile of rumble, slamming her fists down to blast it away.