"I owe you one. If we ever bump into each other, that is." said the young woman. Before Arthur could respond, she walked away, through the crowd. "I certainly hope we do, my dear." replied Arthur to no one in particular. "Who are you talking to know?" said a suprising but familiar voice. Kay had a smug look on his face and a fresh mug of beer in his hands. "You usually don't talk to yourself if you don't have a good reason." Arthur sighed and shook his head. "I think I'm in love, big brother." said Arthur, feeling pretty stupid. When Kay was finished laughing and spilling his drink, he managed to get out another question between ragged breaths. "Really? What's his name?" asked the taller boy. Arthur playfully punched him in the arm, causing more of Kay's drink to spill on the ground. "It's a her, you drunk, and I don't know her name. All I know is that I want to see her again." "The only thing I know for sure, Arthur, is that you need another drink." said Kay, motioning him to follow, presumably back to the tavern. After making their way back to the tavern (which was just as racous as ever), Kay and Arthur liberated a couple of drinks and were on their way back to their tent. It was times like these where Arthur realized that his brother wasn't such a bad guy. They may but heads, but he was still his brother. After having a good laugh, Kay pulled Arthur aside, his face suddenly very serious. "Brother, I have an idea. But if you tell this to anyone, and I mean anyone, I will.... do something bad." said Kay. Arthur nodded, wondering what was going on in his brothers mind. Kay almost told Arthur what he had in mind, but he was suddenly distracted by something behind Arthur. "My god, is that a woman armed?" Kay was nearly flabergasted. Arthur himself turned around to see that there was infact, a woman garbed in the casual clothes of a knight, wearing a sword on her belt. Arthur heard that some women took up arms and fought as knights, but he had never seen one himself. "We should talk to her!" Kay said, pushing his brother out of the way. Without so much as a bow or salute, he began talking to her. "Excuse me, milady, but where did you get that blade?" And it was times like these where Arthur realized that his brother was a moron sometimes. Woman or not, she was still an annoited knight, and thus was above Kay and Arthur in the social ladder. That and she could probobly beat Kay to death with that wooden mug he was holding.