[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-23143504_zps3f633df4.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-23143504_zps3f633df4.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Kyle took a seat in a booth along the wall of the LHU commuter cafeteria. He was thankful that Dr. Robinson’s class got out in time for him to get breakfast, because not only was he absolutely starving, but they made some of the best omelets that he had ever eaten. Normally, he would enjoy his meal with several of his friends. However, Ronnie had another class immediately after Dr. Robinson’s class, and Sam didn’t have class until 11:30 on this day, so she was more than likely sleeping in a bit. He had eaten nearly half of his omelet when someone had patted him on the back rather hard, nearly causing him to choke on the concoction of egg, cheese and meat. He turned to find that the culprit had been his friend Dmitri Nikolov. Kyle smiled and motioned for Dmitri to join him at the booth, which he did. Kyle had first met Dmitri following the gang attack on the fall carnival. Kyle had helped get Dmitri to safety after he had thwarted the gang attack and changed out of his Lyger costume. Dmitri had searched him out to thank him shortly after the attack, and the two had been friends ever since. “You cheeky bastard…” Dmitri said good naturedly with a barely noticeable Russian accent. “So, what’s she like?” “Huh?” Kyle asked, knowing exactly where this was going, yet not really wanting to repeat the same conversation that he’s had with just about every one of his friends. “The new girl. I heard she’s something else.” Dmitri said, not getting the hint, or in the very least, pretending not to. “She’s pretty cool.” Kyle said. “You’d like her.” “Yeah, I can tell.” Dmitri said, leaning back in the seat and crossing his arms over his chest. “How’s that?” Kyle asked. “The way you smiled when you answered me. Dead giveaway.” Dmitri said. “So, where’s Hannah?” Kyle asked, looking to change the subject. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy talking about Addy, it was quite the opposite in fact. However, things were still a bit rocky between he and his friends, despite Ronnie’s immediate approval as well as Sam’s support. “Theater class. She gets out in a bit.” Dmitri answered. “Nice.” Kyle said as he shoveled a bit more egg into his mouth. “We should all get together soon.” He said as he swallowed. “Definitely. She’s been asking about you lately, pretty much saying the exact same thing.” Dmitri told him. “Oh?” Kyle asked. “Yeah, but I know you’ve been busy with class…and some extracurricular activities.” Dmitri teased suggestively. “Shut up.” Kyle laughed as he gathered his tray and got up from his seat. He disposed of his trash and the two of them made their way out of the cafeteria, stopping in front of the water fountain just outside the large set of double doors that led to the hallway. Dmitri turned on the fountain and began filling a water bottle which he had taken from his bag. As he filled the bottle, the two friends talked and joked “You’re wasting water.” A snarky voice shot from behind them. “You’re wasting air.” Kyle shot back, before turning to see the source of the comment. He felt his heart stop as he laid his eyes on Kerri, who’s expression was mixture of genuine hurt and surprise. He knew that she didn’t mean anything by the comment, and though he didn’t intend any malice with his rebuttal, he knew how it sounded. Given their recent breakup, it was perhaps even harsher than he realized. “Hey, I’m…I’m sorry.” Kyle stammered as Kerri began to walk away from the pair, not saying another word. “Dude, that was harsh.” Dmitri said. “You’re gonna hear about that later.” “Yeah…I know.” Kyle said remorsefully, guilt again beginning to wash over him. [center]***[/center] [b][i]RenCo[/b][/i] Maxwell Renfield watched the security footage from the night that his warehouse full of advanced assault weapons went up in smoke. He had watched the footage almost nonstop since the footage had been retrieved from the remote server that stored the security footage from this and other black sites. Each time he viewed the footage, he was forced to choke down the rage that threatened to boil over. He finally paused the footage and looked intently on the black clad figure that was on the screen. Renfield had been impressed by the masked figure’s athleticism and resourcefulness, however, the masked man had also cost him over a half a billion dollars due to the destruction of the Tek-53 assault weapons. “There, which one is that?” Renfield asked the Costas Dennard, his head of security. Dennard stepped closer to the monitor and took a long look at the image. “I’m not sure, sir. It seems like there’s a new one popping up every other day. Though, this one does bear a resemblance to a so called vigilante that we’ve heard rumors about. I believe he goes by the name of Lyger…though I can’t be sure.” Dennard said. “Then get sure.” Renfield said. “Do you know what that freak cost this company? I want him eliminated, immediately.” He finished, dismissing Costas and picking up the phone on his desk. “Dr. Richmond, this is Renfield. I was hoping for an update on the Nanosuit.”