[hider="I Am surrounded by King and Emperors"] Name: Solomon W. Caesar Age: 34 Gender: Male Patient/Doctor: Patient Who Tossed You In Here: he was brought here by his superior officers (when in fact it was his Grandfather) How Long Have You Been Here: its starting to be his sixth year in the asylum Description: A Fat yet Muscular man standing at 6’9. Solomon is not a man with a pretty face being completely bald as well as lacking eyebrows. His more than half of his face is covered in Scars most of them surgical in nature. His most noticeable facial feature is his lack of a nose, lips and ears his neck has a tattoo of a golden crown with the words “Proverbs 25:1” he wears a blue prison suit (as way to represent him of being of lower risk patient) and sandals Personality: Solomon Is the dominant personality who is very quiet in a speak only when spoken to sort of way however despite his submissive demeanor towards speaking he refuses to follow any direction from "Corporals" and will only respond to "Sargent" Which is what refers to the nurses (Corporals) and doctors (Sargent) by. The King: [color=0072bc]Speaks In A More Poetic Fashion[/color] The King is the much kinder Split personality of Solomon. Holding true to his way of speaking The King is also the much more creative of all of the personalities he also has more interest in all recreational and social activities Then either Solomon or The Emperor. The Emperor: [color=ed1c24][b]speaks in a more demanding and aggressive tone[/b][/color] The Emperor is Solomon's more Aggressive personality Where the king is humble The Emperor think of himself as better then others believing himself to be an actual emperor. As solomon's aggressive personality The Emperor has a hair trigger temper which is the reason why solomon lacks certain features Mutations: constant experimentation has caused his skin to harden which in the process caused of the aforementioned lack of any sort of body hair (as well as nails) and to take on a much more whitish red tint pigmentation however his lack of certain feature like his nose, lips and ears were caused by self mutilation Cell/Room Number: 444 Disorders: Aside being delusional Solomon Seems to be suffering from some form of Schizophrenia as well as a form of split-personality (Solomon is the only Personality that has been observed showing schizophrenic tendencies however his other personalities have shown being more delusional) Other: his two other personalities are referred by him and other as the King and the Emperor [/hider]