[H1] [color=crimson] Kiddo Ray Day 3:00AM[/color] [/h1] "Ugh!" Kiddo sighed as he sat up in his bed. It had been a long night. The presence of the body disturbed him. What made it even worse was the fact he couldn't find it. It felt as if every time he got closer a nail was stabbed into his head. Pain after pain. He told the headmaster and she of course seemed concerned. Something just wasn't right though. Kiddo wanted to know what. Every since that girl died a year before he arrived everything has apparently been a little strange. "I need something to do." Kiddo stood up and pulled some pajama pants on. He cracked his door to make sure nobody was in the hall. Of course, nobody was. It was 3AM after all. Kiddo began to walk on the pads of his feet. Trying to be as quiet as possible, he made his way to the vending machine. He hadn't ate in hours, his stomach was kind of growling. The voices weren't there though. He hadn't heard from them since them he left the headmaster's office. The vending machine gladly accepted Kiddo's money. Kiddo then lightly pressed in A5. The corkscrew wire spun and made the pretzels fall. Silently he reached into the slot and grabbed them. At the soda machine Kiddo lightly pressed the cola button and waited. The suspense was killing him. You always have to wait before your soda came while at a vending machine. It was the dead of night, he wasn't suppose to be out of his room. He didn't want the noise to wake anybody up. Finally, after what seemed like eons the cola came crashing into the slot. Kiddo put his hand there to soften the blow, but it made some noise. Maybe enough to cause somebody to move a bit in their bed. After picking up the bottle he began to make his way back to his room. Kiddo, as quietly as possible, step by step, walked back. He had a lot of thinking to do.