Takumi's awakening was slow. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and he found himself in a place unfamiliar to him. It was a familiar phenomena for Humans: Waking up and momentarily not knowing who you are. But that's not what this was. Takumi realized he was in a place entirely foreign to him. He rose from the stony ground slowly, the wheels of his mind slowly turning. [i]Where am I? Better yet... who am I?[/i] Nothing made sense. His panic rose as he realized he had no memories whatsoever. He bolted up from the ground to a standing position, examining his surroundings. The voice of an old man caught his ears, addressing him, and the people around him whom he had just noticed. It appeared they were in a similar boat. The man rambled on, seeming to talk aimlessly and making little sense, but he did manage to gather something: He had been brought here to kill monsters. He pondered on this. He didn't know who he was, but killing monsters didn't sound so bad. In fact, the idea appealed to him greatly. [i]Adventure! I don't know where I am, but this sounds like a good deal![/i] He eagerly accepted the old mans equipment. He quickly noticed that the entirety of his group had all been given different weapons, and he received a katana. [i]This geezer thinks that just because I'm Japanese I should get a katana!?[/i] He shook his head. He realized he didn't know what 'being Japanese' meant. It clearly had some meaning to him, but he couldn't recall the meaning of the word 'Japanese'. He shook his head, trying to put together his scrambled memories. Everything came suddenly. A flurry of information. First came his name: [i]I am Takumi Nakano.[/i] Then everything else was fuzzy. [i]I was in a fight... but it was for sport. Kendo. There were wooden swords, and the fight got heated, and I was injured... we weren't wearing the armor we were supposed to... why? And then there was a hospital...[/i] Takumi shook his head again. There was nothing else, but at least he knew his name now. He looked to his new companions. One girl with short ashen blonde hair. [i]Not too bad looking, in fact.[/i] He mused to himself. The other was a man, wearing a strange uniform, he was beefy, obviously pretty strong. He was already out the door, not grabbing a weapon. It was clear he was annoyed, but he couldn't be blamed, they were in a very strange situation and the old man seemed somewhat confused and not particularly helpful. He looked away from the man and back towards the two girls. He gave them time to get acclimated and then asked, "Either of you know where we are? It seems like the guy who left" Takumi nodded at the door, "doesn't really have any more knowledge then I do." Takumi wore a bright smile as he spoke to the pair. His voice had a upbeat and friendly tone to it. He certainly was polite. "By the way, what are your names? If you know, that is... it seems like I've forgotten quite a bit, but I'm Takumi." He said brightly.