[quote]Kyliarandririhl[/quote] - The introduction of this particular character still makes me think of a human character by the name of Xdagrun Akhanu Liathea Kitalras Ndijigi (from Xentheres Thauken Neji) obtaining a mildly sardonic smile, and stepping forth to introduce herself with her full name, as she's wont to. (Under normal circumstances, only people who are minimally close acquaintances are allowed to call her Dagr. If you can't speak full names, you otherwise just use titles in her culture.) On another note, I am still not entirely certain how deigan (or other) words and names are really supposed to pronounce, save for pure assumption... I'm also still alive. Just work and other things happened.(And I may have to sort my storage out a bit.) ASTA said he was writing Claw-post on Thursday, but got distracted by other people midway through.