[u][b]Yoshida Mami[/b][/u] The very instant the gathered gaggle of girls was dismissed by the educational staff was the exact same moment that Yoshida Mami, fifteen year old Kagoshima native and heiress to one of the largest agricultural companies in the Orient, began her rapid retreat from the auditorium that she had shared for multiple minutes with the monstrous mass of new names to the school, her strides swiftly enabling her to skedaddle down the hallways in order to place distance between her and the considerable collection of chattering children that joined her in attending Nakkashiro Gakuen. Her figure seemed to be closed in upon itself as she skittered past students and staff in an attempt to reach her assigned dorm room. Head downcast, comfortable hat hiding her eyes from view, she really appeared to be a girl fearful of the numbers that the school contained. Room 2. That was her destination. Room 2. She needed to concentrate on getting there. Don't look at anyone in the eye. Keep to the walls. Just go. Go. Go. There it was. Nobody seemed to be around. Mami's hand reached out, gently brushing the doorknob before hesitating, breath hitching in her throat as her eyes blared into the wooden door. This was the moment of truth; by entering the dorm, she would have left the safety of her own home, forever trapped in a boarding school with other students. Other people. People who would be everywhere, their presences constantly there. There and with her. The very thought of it made her shiver. She could honestly admit that it would be frightening, interacting with so many new and varied groups of other girls. She gulped. She wanted to run away. But ... to be able to interact with others ... that was why she had chosen to attend this prestigious school. She did not want to just a mere insect on the wall, hiding from the scary humans that populated the vast world. She was going to be better. She had to. She was resolute. Tension rolled off her body in waves. Yoshida Mami took one last, deep breath, before gripping onto the doorknob tightly with her delicate hand. She turned ... And the door opened.