The team are engaging the [i]Hell's Bitches[/i] on the bank rooftop. Brick armours up and prepares a flash bang grenade. [indent][indent][b]Brick[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i][b]Armed[/b][/i]! - [color=ed1c24]Base Attack = 6[/color], all hostile targeted abilities disabled [b]Brick[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Brick[/b] uses [i][b]Stone Skin[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-3 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Brick[/b] is now [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color][/indent][i]Protector[/i]: bonus 1 XP![/indent][/indent] Deimos throws the rooftop access door at the speakers. [indent][indent][b]Door[/b] is now [i][b]Speeding[/b][/i]! - [color=ff0000]+5 Attack[/color] [b]Speaker[/b] is hit by [b]Door's[/b] melee attack for [color=ff0000]15 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]2 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]10 Health[/color] loss [b]Speaker[/b] explodes in a shower of sparks! [indent][b]Discord[/b] is [i][b]Startled[/b][/i] for one turn! - [color=00ccff]-1 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is [i][b]Startled[/b][/i] for one turn! - [color=00ccff]-1 Defence[/color][/indent][i]Adaptive[/i]: bonus 1 XP![/indent][/indent] Bumblebee flies high above the rooftop before firing a volley of shock bolts down at Discord. [indent][indent][b]Bumblebee[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] Float Like A Butterfly: -1 Energy; Bumblebee is Levitating! - Immune to ground-based attacks and effects [b]Bumblebee[/b] is currently [i][b]Armoured[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Bumblebee[/b] is now [i][b]Ranged[/b][/i]! - May only use ranged attacks and abilities on opponents, may only be targeted by ranged attacks and abilities by opponents [b]Bumblebee[/b] uses [i][b]Sting Like A Bee[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-4 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Discord's[/b] [i]Flexible Where It Counts[/i] trait activates - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color] against ranged attacks [b]Discord[/b] hit by [b]Bumblebee's[/b] [i]Sting Like A Bee[/i] for [color=ff0000]7 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]10 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color] loss. [b]Discord[/b] is now [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i] for three rounds - [color=00ccff]-2 Defence[/color][/indent][i]Flight Control[/i]: bonus 2 XP![/indent][/indent] Rocksmith plays a mystical tune to transform Thrash into a Walrus. [indent][indent][b]Rocksmith[/b] uses [i][b]I Am The Walrus[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-4 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Thrash[/b] is now [i][b]Walrus[/b][/i] for two turns! - All status effects cancelled, all [color=ff0000]Attack[/color] points transferred to [color=00ccff]Defence[/color], character unable to attack or activate skills.[/indent][i]Rock Hard[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Flare channels his energy, preparing for a heavy attack. [indent][indent][b]Flare[/b] is currently [i][b]Armed[/b][/i]! - [color=ed1c24]+2 Attack[/color] [b]Flare[/b] uses [i][b]Fireball[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-10 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Flare[/b] is now [i][b]Primed[/b][/i]! - Next attack will be fire-based AoE[/indent][i]Firestarter[/i]: bonus 1 XP![/indent][/indent] Psy-Warp generates a telekinetic barrier [indent][indent][b]Psy-Warp[/b] uses [i][b]Telekinetic Barrier[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-4 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Barrier[/b] is summoned with [color=00ff00]7 Health[/color] and [color=00ccff]5 Defence[/color] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is now [i][b]Shielded[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color] [b]Void[/b] is now [i][b]Shielded[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color] [b]Deimos[/b] is now [i][b]Shielded[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color][/indent][i]TK Support[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] Heretic dodges behind cover and shoots an SMG at Discord. [indent][indent][b]Heretic[/b] recovers [color=fff200]+1 Energy[/color] [b]Heretic[/b] is no longer [i][b]Weaponized[/b][/i]! [b]Heretic[/b] is currently [i][b]Armed[/b][/i]! - [color=ed1c24]Base Attack = 6[/color], all hostile targeted abilities disabled [b]Heretic[/b] shoots at [b]Discord[/b] with an [i]SMG[/i]:[indent][b]Discord's[/b] [i]Flexible Where It Counts[/i] trait activates - [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color] against ranged attacks [b]Discord[/b] hit by [b]Heretic's[/b] ranged attack for [color=ff0000]6 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]8 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]0 Health[/color] loss.[/indent][/indent][/indent] Sigma launches an amped up Sonic Pulse directed at Discord's guitar. [indent][indent][b]Sigma[/b] uses [i][b]Sonic Pulse[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-8 Energy[/color]:[indent][i]Sonic Pulse[/i] negates [sup]2[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub] of Discord's [color=00ccff]Defence[/color] - [color=00ccff]-4 Defence[/color] [b]Discord[/b] hit by [b]Sigma's[/b] sonic-based area attack for [color=ff0000]6 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]0 Defence[/color], [color=00ff00]6 Health[/color] loss. [b]Discord[/b] is now [i][b]Stunned[/b][/i] for one turn! - Unable to attack or activate skills until the end of the character's next turn. [b]Mystically-powered Guitar[/b] is immune to [i]Sonic Pulse[/i]: Indestructible! [b]Sigma[/b] gains 6 XP![/indent][i]Heavy Weapon[/i]: bonus 1 XP![/indent][/indent] Void summons a protective sphere of void energy. [indent][indent][b]Void[/b] uses [i][b]Void Sphere[/b][/i] [color=yellow]-3 Energy[/color]:[indent][b]Sphere[/b] is summoned with [color=00ccff]3 Defence[/color] [b]Psy-Warp[/b] is now [i][b]Shielded[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Void[/b] is now [i][b]Shielded[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Deimos[/b] is now [i][b]Shielded[/b][/i]! - [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color][/indent][i]Empty Handed[/i]: bonus 5 XP![/indent][/indent] On the stage Discord stumbles backwards with her body wracked with shocking electrical energy as the speakers explode next to her and the sonic pulse from the mechanical man forces her back away from her microphone. Behind her Thrash howls angrily as she feels her body morphing and changing into some fat, blobby sea creature. As her hands turn to flippers her drumsticks fall to the floor and her drumkit fades away as if it had never been there to start with. [indent][indent][b]Discord[/b] is currently [i][b]Startled[/b][/i]! (1/1) - [color=00ccff]-1 Defence[/color] [b]Discord[/b] is currently [i][b]Shocked[/b][/i]! (1/3) - [color=00ccff]-2 Defence[/color] [b]Discord[/b] is currently [i][b]Stunned[/b][/i]! (1/1) - May not attack or activate a skill until the end of her next round [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Startled[/b][/i]! (1/1) - [color=00ccff]-1 Defence[/color] [b]Thrash[/b] is currently [i][b]Walrus[/b][/i]! (1/2) - All status effects cancelled, [color=ff0000]-3 Attack[/color], [color=00ccff]+3 Defence[/color], character unable to attack or activate skills.[/indent][/indent] Seeing her opportunity Nightingale fires a toxic dart at Discord, adding to the damage already suffered. [indent][indent][b]Nightingale[/b] uses [i]Salt In The Wound[/i] [color=yellow]-2 Energy[/color]:[indent]Discord suffers [color=00ff00]6 Health[/color] loss![/indent][/indent][/indent] [hr] Bumblebee, Flare, Brick, Heretic, Sigma and Nightingale are standing at the stairwell entrance onto the rooftop. Rocksmith is several metres away, standing on the lip of a hole leading down to the floor below. Psy-Warp, Deimos, Void are on the far side of the roof, on the opposite side of the stage but still in front of it. Discord and Thrash are standing out in the open on the raised stage, surrounded by speaker stacks and stage lights. In the distance a helicopter can be seen flying towards the bank. [hr] [color=violet][b]Callsign:[/b][/color] Discord [color=violet][b]Real Name:[/b][/color] ?[center][hider=Discord][IMG][/IMG][/hider][/center][color=violet][b]Role:[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]Flanker[/b][/color] [color=violet][b]Stats:[/b][/color] [b][color=00ff00]28[/color] / [color=00ccff]6[/color] / [color=ff0000]?[/color][/b] [color=violet][b]Energy:[/b][/color] [color=yellow]7[/color] [color=violet][b]Power Origin:[/b][/color] [color=a187be][b]Magic[/b][/color] [color=violet][b]Power Set:[/b][/color] Heavy Metal Harridan [color=violet][b]Abilities:[/b][/color][list][*][color=a187be][i]Power Cord[/i][/color] - [color=ffff00]Energy Cost: 3[/color] [sup]With a strum of her fingers Discord launches a powerful wave of sonic energy which causes her enemies' armour to resonate, causing them [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub] their [color=00ccff]Defence[/color] (rounded down) worth of Health loss and inflicts the [i][b]Sundered[/b][/i] status effect, causing [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub] (rounded down) reduction in their [color=00ccff]Defence[/color]. [i][b]Sundered[/b][/i] may stack with itself.[/sup][*] [*] [*][/list][color=violet][b]Traits:[/b][/color][list][*][color=a187be][i]Flexible Where It Counts[/i][/color] [sup]Years of performing on stage have given Discord a highly toned and flexible body, allowing her to dodge and weave like a seasoned martial artist. Any time she's targeted by a ranged attack Discord gains [color=00ccff]+5 Defence[/color].[/sup] [*][/list] [color=violet][b]Race/Species:[/b][/color] ?, Human [color=violet][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=violet][b]Age:[/b][/color] 19 [color=violet][b]Morality:[/b][/color] Chaotic; Evil [color=violet][b]Motivation:[/b][/color] Pleasure [color=purple][b]Callsign:[/b][/color] Thrash [color=purple][b]Real Name:[/b][/color] ?[center][hider=Thrash][img][/img][/hider][/center][color=purple][b]Role:[/b][/color] [color=gold][b]Flanker[/b][/color] [color=purple][b]Stats:[/b][/color] [b][color=00ff00]?[/color] / [color=00ccff]10[/color] / [color=ff0000]3[/color][/b] [color=purple][b]Energy:[/b][/color] [color=yellow]10[/color] [color=purple][b]Power Origin:[/b][/color] [color=a187be][b]Magic[/b][/color] [color=purple][b]Power Set:[/b][/color] Devilish Drummer [color=purple][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [list][*] [*][/list][color=purple][b]Traits:[/b][/color][list][*] [*] [*][/list] [color=purple][b]Race/Species:[/b][/color] ?, Human [color=purple][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=purple][b]Age:[/b][/color] 21 [color=purple][b]Morality:[/b][/color] Chaotic; Evil [color=purple][b]Motivation:[/b][/color] Pleasure [hr] [center][b][color=ccffcc]Madison 'Nightingale' Johannson - [url=][LINK][/url][/color] [color=yellow][b]Energy:[/b] 8/10[/color] [color=00ff00]20[/color] / [color=00ccff]3[/color] / [color=ff0000]5[/color][/b][/center] [b]Action:[/b] [i]Salt In The Wound[/i]: [color=yellow]-2 Energy[/color]; Nightingale immediately applies the same [color=00ff00]Health[/color] loss as another attack which has already occurred in the same round to the same target. [hr] [@rush99999] [url=]Rocksmith[/url] [img][/img] [@SimplyJohn] [url=]Bumblebee[/url] [img][/img] [@Eklispe] [url=]Flare[/url] [img][/img] [@knighthawk] [url=]Brick[/url] [img][/img] [@GodOfWar] [url=]Heretic[/url] [img][/img] [@Behemoth542] [url=]Sigma[/url] [img][/img] [@General Scales] [url=]Psy-Warp[/url] [img][/img] [@KabenSaal] [url=]Deimos[/url] [img][/img] [@Shadowman215] [url=]Void[/url] [img][/img] [@Leolycan] [url=]Vex[/url] [img][/img]