[hr][center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2753858][color=f7941d]Beatrice 'Bumblebee' McLeod[/color][/url] [color=yellow][b]Energy:[/b] 5/10[/color] [b][color=39b54a]15[/color] / [color=00aeef]2(10)[/color] / [color=ed1c24]7[/color][/b][/center][hr] Seeing the rocker stumbling, and her friend incapacitated as she rolled about in the stage looking for fish to eat, Bumblebee lined herself up with the shocked enemy and fired up her afterburners. Hopefully a direct assault would be a little more effective than the gun bursts the dancing diva had managed to so skillfully avoid. [hr]Recover [color=yellow]+2 Energy[/color] Bumblebee is currently [i][b]Levitating![/b][/i] [color=yellow]-1 Energy[/color], [color=00aeef]+4 Defence[/color] Bumblebee is currently [i][b]Armoured![/b][/i] [color=00aeef]+3 Defence[/color] [b]Action:[/b] [i]Afterburners![/i]; [color=fff200]-4 Energy[/color] - Bumblebee is now [i][b]Mach 1[/b][/i]! (Next attack uses combined [color=ed1c24]Attack[/color] and [color=00aeef]Defence[/color])