I am the supplementary master for Saber. (Like Sola-Ui before she was Lancer's master.) [hider=Jakob Zegher] WIP [center][h3]Jakob Zegher[/h3] [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Eyliant.%28Artist%29.full.1780848.jpg[/img] Character Type: Secondary Master (secondary magical energy supplier) Languages: Dutch, German, English Affiliation: House Zegher Clock Tower Height/Weight: 168cm/65kg Place of Origin: Netherlands Personality: Jakob has one goal in life. That goal is to restore the Zegher family to its former glory. Through constant research and training, he has become a very power mage that is adept many types of magic. Still people refuse to recognize the fact that he is the last descendant of the Zegher family. This is the main reason why he agreed to joining the holy grail war. Through his victory he hopes that others will finally recognize him as a powerful mage worthy of the Zegher name. When he isn't focused on improving himself as a mage he is a pretty fun guy. He can be childish at times since he was never told that he had to grow up. He is brave and isn't afraid of conflict even though he is physically weak. If one word had to be chosen to describe Jakob that word would be determined. Bio: Jakob Zegher, the last known mage of the Zegher family. It's been over 200 years since the Zegher family was believed to have died out. Now all of a sudden a mage with great potential appears bearing the same name. Some brush it off as mere coincidence, but others have chosen to acknowledge that he is, in fact, a Zegher. Jakob wasn't born into the world of magic though, for the first six years of his life he lived without knowing the fact that magic existed. He was born in a small village in northern Netherlands that was almost completely cut off from the rest of society due to constant flooding. He started school a year earlier than most children did, but other than that he seemed to be completely normal. For six years, he lived completely oblivious to the world around him, but just as the sixth holy war began his life would change forever. While "adventuring" with his friends, Jakob came across an overgrown forest that was shrouded in mist. All his friends had refused to enter, but Jakob wasn't so easily deterred. He was not afraid of what lurked in the forest. He powered onwards unaware that he would never be the same. What Jakob found in the forest was not monsters, but an old ruined castle. His mind was telling him to turn around and never look back, but for some reason his body couldn't stop moving forwards. It was as if something was drawing him towards the castle. He explored the abandoned halls of the castle and found nothing of interest. There was no treasure, ghosts, monsters. From what he could see the castle was completely empty. He was about to leave, but at the last moment noticed something that he hadn't seen before. At the very end of the hall was a spiralling staircase that went down for what seemed like forever. Going against everything thing that he had learned from watching horror movies. Jakob decided to follow the steps down into the dark abyss that laid in wait for him. There was no more turning back. Jakob had sealed his fate. What waited for him at the bottom of the steps was not death, but enlightenment. As he reached the bottom he was greeted by a long hallways that stretched on for a few hundred feet. The walls were lined with torches that were lit with blue flame, and what lie at the end was a two large wooden doors. Jakob wanted to run, but when he turned around there was nowhere for him to go. The staircase that was just there a moment ago had disappeared. There was only one place left for him to go. Turning back towards the wooden door, he began to walk down the hall. Once he reached the end of the hall the doors opened on their own. Inside was a massive room filled with thousands of books. At the center of all this was a podium with a single book on top. Jakob approached the podium and brushed a thick layer of dust off the cover of the book. It read "The History of House Zegher". When he opened the book everything went black. His life flashed before his eyes and so did the life of every other member of his house. All this knowledge rushing into him at once. It was too much for his young mind to comprehend. The stress of it all caused him to collapse. Jakob was out for almost two days before he regained consciousness. His mind had been given time to process what he had just learned. He now knew all about the history of his house and the existence of magic. Opening that book had activated the dormant magic circuits that were inside of him. Now he knew exactly what he needed to do. From there on out Jakob went back to the castle every day and studied from the books the lined its walls. His progress as a mage was astonishing. Within just a few years, he was able to utilize his magic circuits to their furthest extent. Word from the village soon spread that there was a young boy performing what seemed like miracles. It wasn't long until the mage's association caught wind of these rumors. In an effort to stop the existence of magic from being revealed. The mage's association kidnapped Jakob from the village and brought him back to the clock tower where he would be able to continue his study of magic without revealing it to the world. Bloodline: Zegher is the name of a lost bloodline believed to have died out long ago. It was once one of the greatest mage families in all of Europe. The rise of the Zegher family came long before the first holy grail war. Their roots can be traced back over 700 years to the early periods of the renaissance. They started off as a small family located in northern Germany that only slightly dabbled in the art of mage craft, but as time went on the on the small family gave birth to great magi who would go on to change the face of Europe. For a time, they were considered one of the strongest houses in Europe, but with strength comes rivalry, and with rivalry comes feuds. Around the year 1700 a war broke out between the Zegher and a coalition of other houses. The war lasted over 60 years and ended in the complete annihilation of the Zegher house, or so they thought. What really happened was as the home of the Zegher family was under siege the lady of the house escaped with the heir and fled to northern Holland. There they made themselves a new life. Over time, the name Zegher faded into obscurity. All that is left of the house now is a few pages in history. Other: - While at the clock tower Jakob studied under Lord el-Melloi II - Just like Lord el-Melloi II, Jakob seeks the root of origin by looking towards the future instead of the past. - Jakob holds great potential. He has 38 magic circuits which he is able to use very efficiently - Jakob may be a powerful mage, but he is still inexperienced in actual combat. - Jakob is physically weak. If engaged from a distance he is fine, but if someone gets too close he is done. Blood Type: AB [/center] [/hider]