[hider=Sergei Kosygin] [b]Name:[/b] Sergei Kosygin [b]Alias:[/b] Fixer [b]Nationality:[/b] Ukrainian [b]Age:[/b] 56 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Physique/Appearance/Clothing:[/b] Sergei is a large person, standing about 6’1’’ tall, with a stern physique. He has a large, blunt head, nestled on top of his thick neck, with broad shoulders and tall arms further emphasizing his hard frame. While he doesn’t look very muscular in the sense of having defined muscles, his barrel chest, thick arms, neck, wide body and blunt, ragged face still gives off the impression of someone not to be messed with. His face is crude, almost like it was built for warfare, with eyes sunken underneath his thick, wrinkly forehead. With his blunt forehead and flat nose jutting down from it as if it’s an extension, or rather, a handle, it’s not hard to resemble his upper head to a war hammer from comic books. This, alongside his sunken green eyes, perpetual frown and his fair buzz cut hair, kind of gives off the air of an 80’s American action hero, which is quite the opposite of who he is. Sergei’s clothing is somewhat outdated, with olive drab coveralls, worn underneath a dark grey armor vest, probably surplus from the War in Chechnya, with a makeshift Yugoslavian paramilitary vest, made of tent fabric and stitched all over with ammo pouches, over the rest of his clothing to top it off. In colder times, he wears a winter VDV uniform left over from the Soviet War in Afghanistan. [b]Spoken Languages:[/b] Native Ukrainian and Russian. He has a fair grasp of English and Turkish. [b]Faction:[/b] Sergei is a Loner, though has strong connections to the Military, and often hangs around (and deals around) their installations, being more than accepted amongst the higher ups, thanks to having served alongside some of them. [b]Personality:[/b] Sergei is known for his quiet, calm, non-confrontational and professional demeanor that is usually considered to be rather contradictory with his stature. Sergei is a man of action rather than words, and prefers to speak in a rather passive way to keep people off-guard for his actions. He rarely insults people he doesn’t mean to kill in the following moments, knowing better than to keep a high profile. This has usually allowed him to get away from a lot of messed up deals he’s been a part of, with his neutral personality allowing him to get a ‘Nah, he’s a good guy’ from at least one of his attackers. Sergei is not a man of loose ends – having suffered from them once, he has taken his lesson. [b]History:[/b] Sergei ‘’The Fixer’’ Kosygin, the Monster of Odessa, or the Man Who Painted Kiev Red, had rather humble beginnings. Born in Soviet Ukraine to parents who had minor positions in government bureaus, Sergei had a rather average life set ahead of him. Like most of the children his age, Sergei attended school, earning himself above average grades through preparation rather than raw skill. One could trace his professional and clear cut attitude towards problems to this age. At the age of 21, he married a girl, Polina, he had fallen in love with in high school. She got pregnant with his son, Oleg, soon after. Being unable to provide for his wife and his parents in school, he dropped out of University, and joined the Soviet Army. After showing merit in training, was assigned to be a member of the VDV Airborne Forces. He was sent to Afghanistan in March 1984. Sergei first killed a man in Afghanistan. Sergei killed his first eleven men in Afghanistan. Sergei’s platoon was not known for particular effectiveness in battle. However, thanks to sheer jinx, or perhaps thanks to the ire of a commander, his platoon was often sent right into the meat grinder. Sergei survived whatever was thrown at them, however, and continued to serve in the war until August 1986, when the Mi-8 he was a passenger of was shot down, and left Sergei stranded in the mountains of Afghanistan alone, wounded, and hunted by Afghans. All he knew was that he had to move south, and that he was probably as good as dead. A week later, Sergei was found near Salang Pass with three bullet wounds in his torso, several bruises, lacerations, nine broken ribs, a broken nose, a burst right eye, an exposed skull, and a smashed left hand. He was sent to a hospital immediately, where he fell comatose for three weeks. After waking up, Sergei was questioned for a report, and was awarded with the Order for Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR, Second Class as a result of the following investigation. Sergei lay in a hospital to recover for the next two years. He would later learn that he had accidentally stopped an Afghan assault on his way back, and that his exploit had made him somewhat of a legend. After getting out of the hospital in 1988, Sergei found himself unemployed. His pension for being wounded in battle was not enough to take care of his family, and as he found out, being a college dropout, a wounded one at that, in tough times for the Soviet Union meant it was quite hard to find a job. He managed to get employed thanks to one of the friends he had made in Afghanistan, but found the job rather lacking, and the clients insulting. Asking for his friend’s father for a more… profitable job, he ended up being a bodyguard for drug trafficking. It was certainly better for his family, though Sergei noticed that Polina had a slight idea of what he was up to. He didn’t care much, however, believing that providing for them was more important than being loved by them. Sergei earned a reputation for reliability after saving a drug king, Ivan Stupka, from a deal gone wrong by taking down the king’s would-be attackers. He ended up becoming Ivan ‘’The Cossack’’ Stupka’s biggest enforcer after this event, and consolidated his position by destroying the (admittedly small but still formidable) Albanian Mafia set up in Odessa in a single day, which earned him the nickname the Monster of Odessa. Around this time, the Soviet Union dissolved, and Sergei found himself with the duty of rooting out the Russian Mafia from Kiev. He sent his parents, wife, and son to Turkey to save them from any repercussions that could occur. The job soon provided itself to be too high profile, however, and Sergei ended up with an APB by the Ukrainian Police and the Russian Mafia after a long, drawn out shootout that ended with about 35 dead and 50 wounded thanks to an explosion in a building. Sergei, all out of men, wounded, and with a clear cut name as the Man Who Painted Kiev Red, escaped to Turkey to his family with whatever money he could put together before the Russian Mafia got him. Moving through Romania and Bulgaria, he was eventually reunited with his family, free from dirty work, at the year 1998. His son, Oleg, almost fifteen years old, seemed to be incredibly distant from him, so was his wife, Polina. His father was dead, and all he had now was the money he had grabbed on his way to Turkey. Sergei tried to live the straight life for about 10 years, finding work as a bodyguard once again. He soon got fed up with it, however. His wife, Polina, hated him for leaving him on her own, his son knew of Sergei only as the man who came home at times and was the source of money and police knocking the door, and Sergei’s mother was simply smoking herself to death with the money he made. He started contacting his old friends from the military to learn of any jobs he could do back in the lands he was born. He eventually left for Ukraine once again, much to the ire of his family, in 2009. He entered the mafia business once more, this time with a new name and new modus operandi, as the Fixer, the man who kept everything to the lowest profile. However, after learning that the Russian Mafia still held a grudge against him, and wanted to get even, he decided to fake his death and escape to the Zone, a fertile land where he could make lots of money for his family, while also being able to stay away from them as well. Inside the Zone, Sergei managed to thrive, thanks to his close connections in the Military and Duty. He started a business of smuggling in things like cigarettes and drugs, while smuggling out artifacts, working with his friends to keep it profitable and secure. While he still takes some field work provided the job isn’t risky and the pay is good, he’s been trying hard to get himself settled, like Sidorovich or the Bartender. He makes sure that his family gets a good portion of his pay, as he argues that he’s doing it all for them. [b]Reputation:[/b] Sergei is well known and well respected for his level headed and reasonable behavior, being the primary reason for his survival in the Zone for nearly a decade. Despite doing business that affects nearly everyone negatively, he’s still taken as a man of reason, someone who prefers negotiation rather than direct confrontation. He’s almost universally accepted by the Military, as most of the higher ups have worked alongside him sometime in the past, and his nice behavior towards the low-ranked soldiers, as well as his discounts, have earned him a good reputation amongst them. The Duty higher ups also respect him for reasons nearly the same as the Military’s. Freedom also likes him thanks to the fact that he sells drugs to them, but unbeknownst to them, he’s selling bad drugs at a very high price, a compromise he made with Duty and the Military to keep that branch of the business afloat. [b]Weapons/Ammo:[/b] Sergei has a 7.62x39 OTs-14 Groza, though for the grenade launcher he uses custom 40mm buckshot cartridges, bought from Duty, instead of grenades. His sidearm is a M1911A1 with a suppressor, an American gun that he’s not very used to. He still appreciates the gun’s quietness and stopping power, however. [b]Gear:[/b] Backpack: -Three days’ worth of MREs -Three liters of water -Two First Aid Kits -One Medical Supplies Kit -Three Anti-Radiation needles -A box of 7.62x39 -A box of .45 ACP -Two rolls of bandages Person: -PDA -Flashlight -Assorted nuts -NBC Mask -Anomaly-Radiation Detector -8,000 RU [b]Stashes: [/b] Sergei has only two stashes, one in the Cordon in the Military Outpost containing passwords for a few bank accounts, his VDV clothing, military fatigues in case he needs to blend in, 20,000 RU, and a SVU-A with a suppressor, alongside two magazines. The other is in the Scientist Bunker, with information on a bank account, 10,000 RU and a NBC suit. [b]Strengths:[/b] -VIP: Sergei has, through hard work and smart action, earned himself an important place in the Zone. He has connections he can rely on. He’s also avoided in action (the way he also avoids it), as his death would piss a lot of people off, since he runs some profitable operations. -RU: Sergei makes quite a lot of money. He can arrange things to happen, or hire people who can arrange things to happen. -VDV: Sergei once served admirably in the Soviet Airborne Forces. He has quite advanced military training (and his line of work allowed him to keep it practiced), not to mention pretty good health and physique for his age. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Beyond Cash: Sergei’s operation is quite large by Zone standards, and thus, doesn’t include a lot of cash flowing for the higher ups like him. He’d need some arrangements done to get important cash instead of having his money stashed in some offshore bank account. -Blood Ties: Sergei makes sure that most of the money he makes from the operation reaches his family. They’re gold rich by now, but that hasn’t stopped him. This puts an obvious dent in just how much money he gets to have for himself. -Old: Sergei is tough and hardy, but he is old. While he can outclass most stalkers, he’ll need longer time to catch his breath, or recover from wounds. His old wounds don’t help either. [/hider]