The smell hit him first, the sight of the vreature collapsing knto a bubbling oozing mess on the ground followed. Witb each passing second the stench intensified sevenfold, he had to move away from the still oozing corpse of the fiend he and his new comrades had vanquished before he succumbed entirely to its pungent odour, he was already already becomimg light headed and dazed, he quickly rummaged through his kit and took down a vial of remedy hastily, feeling it take immediate effect. [b]"That was some creature indeed, far more powerful than the other strains i have encountered... excuse me a shott while as i write this up."[/b] Entering his bag again he removed a large book and held it up for Koji and Lume to see. [b]"I call it a Beastiary, it has every creature i have encountered inside, all written by me ofcourse."[/b] he quickly sketched a picture of the creature from his memory amd added a description before closing the book and returning it to his bag. Wallas' nose and ears wrinkled, something wasn't right, he noticed also that the other half of the party had not returned. [b]"The trouble is not over, the others may need us. Please follow me"[/b] ---- A mystic whistling sound rang out across the clearing where the second party was, a silvery mist shot through the air and engulfed one of the smaller Marlborobas, the creature lulled heavily and collapsed into a deep sleep. Wallas' tracking skills had always served him well and they continued to do so on this occasion also. He ran into view and pulled his axe from its sheath, using his momentum he threw it at one of the other Marlborobas, his aim was true and he heard the creature shriek. He dived toward it to retrieve his axe from the writhing body, skidding across the floor and coming to a halt at its tentacles he pulled it loose and struck it again before rolling away from the creature before it could react. Wallas looked at the second party and saw that everybody was accounted for and no one appeared to be injured, he let a sigh of relief escape him. [b]"Leave the sleeping one for the mages, warriors focus on the immediate threats... Im sure by now i don't need to tell you to keep your distance"[/b] he finished his sentence with a chuckle, he liked to bring humour to tense situations, it helped him cope with nerves. As he felt himself calm slightly he closed his eyes and muttered under his breath, the fur on his body raising slightly, another mystic whisrle resonanted across the battle ground and a multiple swirling rays of blue flew from his now outstretched hands, the rays serenely danced through the air and embedded themselves into each of his allies, bolstering their confidence and raising the attack power, the magic energy made him almost levitate as his small body conjured it, it was a funny thing to see even in the seriousness of battle, that would surely help calm the nerves.