Zarr stood on the roof of a large cemetery building dressed in a black suit to match the occasion. He wasn't near the graves to grieve for his fallen comrade or the casualties. Zarr was here on business he was given a role to play in this world after all. His scythe appeared to his side hovering over the roof waiting to be grasped by Zarr. Zarr took hold of his scythe lightly swinging it reaping all the souls of the recent deceased. You'd think someone would notice all the blue streams of light zooming through the air to one point but only those with certain abilities were able too. The reaping of every soul in the cemetery that died in the previous days were gonna take awhile so he decided to join the rest of the civilians and undercover heroes. Well not fully join he stayed to the back of the crowds watching the expressions of all the grieving humans and metahumans that were present.